PoliticsNation's Blog

Boot Strap01"s-Fires Up Liberty County Staff!
Last comment by wood17 5 hours, 59 minutes ago.
Take Me To Post Comment FormI've been active on this site for at least 3 years and I've never known an organization or staff member to create a handle and defend themselves against a blogger.
This is worth re-posting.Let's revisit..
bootstrap01's Blog
Huge Tax Increase Coming
by bootstrap01
Boat Rocker, Not Good Old Boy
Last comment by bootstrap01 2 hours, 41 minutes ago.
Just when everyone thought they got rid of me, here I am again, in all my former ranting, and rambling glory. I am proclaiming, and exclaiming my disgust, dissatisfaction, and objections, complete with misspellings, and all, by objecting to the proposed 2017, $34.39 million, 22% budget increase, in the form of property tax increases for every Liberty County property owning taxpayer. I ask this question, is this a result of local city, and county government agency heads, including our courts, submitting their "Wish Lists" items to the tax assessors office, and bullying, and intimidating assessors into emptying our pockets, and fleecing we taxpayers? Anyway, this not-so-wonderful news was announced in the Coastal Courier Wednesday, June 15th, 2016 edition on the front page. Ms. Kim McGlothlin, Hinesville & Liberty County's Royal Chief Financial Officer, presented this 2017 budget buster to the Liberty County Board of Commissioners last week, according to the paper's announcement. She goes on to say that the fiscal 2016 budget is $28.2 million, as if she was proud of that. So, 2017's budget is a 22 % increase over 2016, get it? I am sure Ms. McGlothin sleeps well a night, knowing we taxpayers fund her exorbitant salary, making it possible for her to live in a fine home, possibly with a landscaped lawn, maybe pool, and a boat, and a marina built by taxpayer funds, but not for their use, and maybe an expensive high-end automobile? So, back to my point, I don't know about you, but for me and my family this announcement is a real budget buster as far as I am concerned. As I read this article in horror, shock, and disbelief. I realized that our elected tyrant-like, and dictatorial representatives no longer are representing us, even though "we the people" put them into office in both the city, and county. They've dumped us at the local land fill without any money to pay for homes, cars, insurances, food, clothing, cell phones, tv's, medical care, gifts for our family members, and vacations, and sales taxes. I think we will become pauper-like citizens, wearing dirty/tattered clothing, selling flowers, and pencils at the entrances to government buildings just to survive. With that said, I think our elected, public servants, and or representatives look down their long, pointed noses at we citizen taxpayers, and then proceed to off on their own devious, unrepresentative direction (s). This article, to me anyway, sounds like a true history lesson in that it demonstrates what it's like to live in tyranny. This was the very reason our historical patriots held "The Boston Tea Party"! This was the reason they engaged in, and fought a Revolutionary War. This was the very reason why 13 states "legally" left the union in 1860/61 and formed a new nation, The Confederate States of America. So, here we are once again, at the doorstep of a potential citizen revolution. Our elected "unrepresentatives" have become the tyrannical dictators that made up the court of England's King George III. Don't believe it. Well, friend, it's smacking you right between the eyes and in the forehead with a sledge hammer-like-call-to-arms! The citizens must unite, using their 1st Amendment rights of free speech, and assembly to vigorously protest this burdensome, deadly, financial load about to be placed upon we citizen voters, and taxpaying property owners. In my mind, this entire scenario has got to be illegal? We have a representative government, but without representation. It surely must be contradictory to our state's constitution and rights of Georgia's citizen taxpayers? So, with that said, this coming Thursday, June 23rd, 2016, at 5 pm, Liberty County commissioners will consider (right) adopting this anti-citizen, financially enslaving budget. This is a call to arms people. I urge you to be there, be heard, and be Loud & Proud, and cause the ears of our commissioners to be open for the very first time, and heed the will of the people of Hinesville, and Liberty County. Have a nice day.
This is worth re-posting.Let's revisit..
bootstrap01's Blog
Huge Tax Increase Coming
by bootstrap01
Boat Rocker, Not Good Old Boy
Last comment by bootstrap01 2 hours, 41 minutes ago.
Just when everyone thought they got rid of me, here I am again, in all my former ranting, and rambling glory. I am proclaiming, and exclaiming my disgust, dissatisfaction, and objections, complete with misspellings, and all, by objecting to the proposed 2017, $34.39 million, 22% budget increase, in the form of property tax increases for every Liberty County property owning taxpayer. I ask this question, is this a result of local city, and county government agency heads, including our courts, submitting their "Wish Lists" items to the tax assessors office, and bullying, and intimidating assessors into emptying our pockets, and fleecing we taxpayers? Anyway, this not-so-wonderful news was announced in the Coastal Courier Wednesday, June 15th, 2016 edition on the front page. Ms. Kim McGlothlin, Hinesville & Liberty County's Royal Chief Financial Officer, presented this 2017 budget buster to the Liberty County Board of Commissioners last week, according to the paper's announcement. She goes on to say that the fiscal 2016 budget is $28.2 million, as if she was proud of that. So, 2017's budget is a 22 % increase over 2016, get it? I am sure Ms. McGlothin sleeps well a night, knowing we taxpayers fund her exorbitant salary, making it possible for her to live in a fine home, possibly with a landscaped lawn, maybe pool, and a boat, and a marina built by taxpayer funds, but not for their use, and maybe an expensive high-end automobile? So, back to my point, I don't know about you, but for me and my family this announcement is a real budget buster as far as I am concerned. As I read this article in horror, shock, and disbelief. I realized that our elected tyrant-like, and dictatorial representatives no longer are representing us, even though "we the people" put them into office in both the city, and county. They've dumped us at the local land fill without any money to pay for homes, cars, insurances, food, clothing, cell phones, tv's, medical care, gifts for our family members, and vacations, and sales taxes. I think we will become pauper-like citizens, wearing dirty/tattered clothing, selling flowers, and pencils at the entrances to government buildings just to survive. With that said, I think our elected, public servants, and or representatives look down their long, pointed noses at we citizen taxpayers, and then proceed to off on their own devious, unrepresentative direction (s). This article, to me anyway, sounds like a true history lesson in that it demonstrates what it's like to live in tyranny. This was the very reason our historical patriots held "The Boston Tea Party"! This was the reason they engaged in, and fought a Revolutionary War. This was the very reason why 13 states "legally" left the union in 1860/61 and formed a new nation, The Confederate States of America. So, here we are once again, at the doorstep of a potential citizen revolution. Our elected "unrepresentatives" have become the tyrannical dictators that made up the court of England's King George III. Don't believe it. Well, friend, it's smacking you right between the eyes and in the forehead with a sledge hammer-like-call-to-arms! The citizens must unite, using their 1st Amendment rights of free speech, and assembly to vigorously protest this burdensome, deadly, financial load about to be placed upon we citizen voters, and taxpaying property owners. In my mind, this entire scenario has got to be illegal? We have a representative government, but without representation. It surely must be contradictory to our state's constitution and rights of Georgia's citizen taxpayers? So, with that said, this coming Thursday, June 23rd, 2016, at 5 pm, Liberty County commissioners will consider (right) adopting this anti-citizen, financially enslaving budget. This is a call to arms people. I urge you to be there, be heard, and be Loud & Proud, and cause the ears of our commissioners to be open for the very first time, and heed the will of the people of Hinesville, and Liberty County. Have a nice day.
Latest Activity: Jun 27, 2016 at 2:22 PM

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PoliticsNation commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 14:23 PM
bootstrap01 commented on Tuesday, Jun 21, 2016 at 15:45 PM
Oh, I edited some mistakes in grammar and spelling, but not all. It just wouldn't be me then.
Oh, I edited some mistakes in grammar and spelling, but not all. It just wouldn't be me then.
PoliticsNation commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 14:24 PM
timeontarget commented on Wednesday, Jun 22, 2016 at 06:44 AM
Don't vote to re-elect Chairman Lovett because he is in fact the head of the board of commissioners and it is on him that we are being subjected to this reckless mismanagement of our county.
Don't vote to re-elect Chairman Lovett because he is in fact the head of the board of commissioners and it is on him that we are being subjected to this reckless mismanagement of our county.
PoliticsNation commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 14:24 PM
LCBOCFinanceOfficer commented on Wednesday, Jun 22, 2016 at 14:58 PM
The Liberty County Board of Commissioner's adopted the FY 2017 Budget on Thursday, June 16th, after holding a public hearing on the budget Tuesday, June 7th at 6:00 pm. Both of these dates and times were advertised in the coastal courier on Sunday, May 29th.
I invite "bootstrap01" to come visit the Liberty County Finance Department. We have an open door policy and will be more than happy to share all of the information that we compile, track, and report on to the Board of Commissioners. Please know that I am not happy, nor proud, of a 22% increase in the General Fund budget. I encourage anyone who has questions regarding the budget to become more active in understanding state mandated funding requirements placed on counties, and the financial consequences we now face as a result of the November 2015 failed SPLOST referendum.
Furthermore, the Finance Department does not make the difficult decisions regarding the budget and millage rate. We track, compile, and report on the financial results of decisions made.
Last of all, and just for the record, I do sleep well at night and I live in a modest 1,400 square ft house valued at about $75,000. I drive a 2007 CTS, have a salary well below 6 digits, and can only dream of a pool, dock and boat as I sleep.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kimberly McGlothlin,
Chief Financial Officer
Liberty County BOC
The Liberty County Board of Commissioner's adopted the FY 2017 Budget on Thursday, June 16th, after holding a public hearing on the budget Tuesday, June 7th at 6:00 pm. Both of these dates and times were advertised in the coastal courier on Sunday, May 29th.
I invite "bootstrap01" to come visit the Liberty County Finance Department. We have an open door policy and will be more than happy to share all of the information that we compile, track, and report on to the Board of Commissioners. Please know that I am not happy, nor proud, of a 22% increase in the General Fund budget. I encourage anyone who has questions regarding the budget to become more active in understanding state mandated funding requirements placed on counties, and the financial consequences we now face as a result of the November 2015 failed SPLOST referendum.
Furthermore, the Finance Department does not make the difficult decisions regarding the budget and millage rate. We track, compile, and report on the financial results of decisions made.
Last of all, and just for the record, I do sleep well at night and I live in a modest 1,400 square ft house valued at about $75,000. I drive a 2007 CTS, have a salary well below 6 digits, and can only dream of a pool, dock and boat as I sleep.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kimberly McGlothlin,
Chief Financial Officer
Liberty County BOC
PoliticsNation commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 14:25 PM
Hvljma commented on Wednesday, Jun 22, 2016 at 18:40 PM
I think you need to do some major research and gather all of your facts before you make assumptions and smear someone's name that you know nothing about! You know NOTHING about doing a county budget or the amount of people above the CFO level that are involved in proposing and passing a county budget which explains why you ARE NOT Liberty County's Chief Finance Officer and why you're ranting on a blog!!! When you get a master's degree in accounting and think you can do a better job, apply for the position and THEN you can speak on the budget!! And you know NOTHING about the CFOs personal life, salary, home, automobile, etc even though you so comfortably and inaccurately assumed her of having taxpayers finance it. And since all you did was complain and object to the budget, what do you propose as a solution?? What do you think the propsed budget should be?? Where should the extra money come from?? What funding should be cut?? All you are proposing is voicing a solutionless opinion at a meeting......very productive! (**rolls eyes**) And if you have a solution, bring it up to the commissioners because they are the ones who make the decisions. Until then....GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!
I think you need to do some major research and gather all of your facts before you make assumptions and smear someone's name that you know nothing about! You know NOTHING about doing a county budget or the amount of people above the CFO level that are involved in proposing and passing a county budget which explains why you ARE NOT Liberty County's Chief Finance Officer and why you're ranting on a blog!!! When you get a master's degree in accounting and think you can do a better job, apply for the position and THEN you can speak on the budget!! And you know NOTHING about the CFOs personal life, salary, home, automobile, etc even though you so comfortably and inaccurately assumed her of having taxpayers finance it. And since all you did was complain and object to the budget, what do you propose as a solution?? What do you think the propsed budget should be?? Where should the extra money come from?? What funding should be cut?? All you are proposing is voicing a solutionless opinion at a meeting......very productive! (**rolls eyes**) And if you have a solution, bring it up to the commissioners because they are the ones who make the decisions. Until then....GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!
PoliticsNation commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 14:26 PM
bootstrap01 commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 11:39 AM
Well sounds like you share some kind of relationship? Can you tell everyone where the missing $1,000,000 went, or won't? Have a nice day my liberal socialist party apologist.
Well sounds like you share some kind of relationship? Can you tell everyone where the missing $1,000,000 went, or won't? Have a nice day my liberal socialist party apologist.
PoliticsNation commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 14:26 PM
bootstrap01 commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 11:39 AM
Well sounds like you share some kind of relationship? Can you tell everyone where the missing $1,000,000 went, or won't? Have a nice day my liberal socialist party apologist.
Well sounds like you share some kind of relationship? Can you tell everyone where the missing $1,000,000 went, or won't? Have a nice day my liberal socialist party apologist.
JimmyMackIII commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 14:52 PM
PN: You go Girl!!!
Bootstrap: she probably spent it or NEVER took it. She was and is the ONLY person in Hinesville to serve time for questionable financial dealings. And you know what? She got THIRTY years only to be paroled after serving 17. She was a Black Female. No white boys in high places are in jail nor will they EVER be. Carolyn was a soft target. She got more time than some murderers and rapists get.
Army discharged types such as you come and go around here. You ALL think you know better than any of us locals, regarding politics, the city budget, hammerin' a two by four, the school system, and even what to expect from the weather.
You may have served your country, thank you. But you definitely are NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer here. Your ramblings are those of a typical angry, probably even Yankee, bozo know it all.
Since by your bio, you have by courtesy of the Military (BTW: Tot thinks you are a mercenary, go ask him) you have first hand knowledge of change of Stations, if it's so bad for ya around heah, why not move your butt somewhere else? Believe me, no one will miss you.
So....when do you plan to take Ms. McClothin up on her invite, Brave Heart????
Bootstrap: she probably spent it or NEVER took it. She was and is the ONLY person in Hinesville to serve time for questionable financial dealings. And you know what? She got THIRTY years only to be paroled after serving 17. She was a Black Female. No white boys in high places are in jail nor will they EVER be. Carolyn was a soft target. She got more time than some murderers and rapists get.
Army discharged types such as you come and go around here. You ALL think you know better than any of us locals, regarding politics, the city budget, hammerin' a two by four, the school system, and even what to expect from the weather.
You may have served your country, thank you. But you definitely are NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer here. Your ramblings are those of a typical angry, probably even Yankee, bozo know it all.
Since by your bio, you have by courtesy of the Military (BTW: Tot thinks you are a mercenary, go ask him) you have first hand knowledge of change of Stations, if it's so bad for ya around heah, why not move your butt somewhere else? Believe me, no one will miss you.
So....when do you plan to take Ms. McClothin up on her invite, Brave Heart????
gacpl commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 15:19 PM
PN::So, here we are once again, at the doorstep of a potential citizen revolution. Our elected "unrepresentatives" have become the tyrannical dictators that made up the court of England's King George III. Don't believe it. Well, friend, it's smacking you right between the eyes and in the forehead with a sledge hammer-like-call-to-arms! The citizens must unite, using their 1st Amendment rights of free speech
it's wasn't 1st amendment rights they used to win, and nothing can be won with them now. the news only shows what they want, not the whole truth like it used to. and you can't revolt with a stick.
it's wasn't 1st amendment rights they used to win, and nothing can be won with them now. the news only shows what they want, not the whole truth like it used to. and you can't revolt with a stick.
JimmyMackIII commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 15:28 PM
gacpl: revolutions usually start with an angry populace fueled by the written word and out right civil disobedience.
I am sure that you are familiar with the term that "the pen is mightier than the sword." (see Boston Tea Party and the Declaration of Independence; Russia circa 1917 and Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto)
I am sure that you are familiar with the term that "the pen is mightier than the sword." (see Boston Tea Party and the Declaration of Independence; Russia circa 1917 and Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto)
gacpl commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 15:57 PM
wood17 commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 23:26 PM
Jimmy I posted Carolyn Brown's case from both the Georgia court of appeals and Supreme Court. As far as criminal charges and sentences go people can make their own judgements. I won't make any judgements as to who in Liberty County also fleeced the taxpayers or is currently doing it. You may know more than I do but we have to admit that serious wrong was done and she had the benefit of defense. If there is any more serious corruption in the county, I as a taxpayer am supportive of rooting it out and punishing it. I do believe that TOT accurately pointed in the right direction as to where a lot of our disdain should be directed and that is to the majority of county commissioners including chairman Lovette. I may be wrong but I thought that our commissioners approve the hiring of our unelected beaurocrat employees. They also approved the budget and allowed Ms. Mclothlin to blame our budget woes on refusing to renew a SPECIAL OPTION sales tax. She should have more accurately blamed our officials for way over spending the intended means of previous budgets and sales tax revenues. I suppose her success and job depends on demonizing the public for voting down a tax that was driving up our spending and budgets unnecessarily. Accurately placing the blame for a 22% budget increase would likely cost her a job in Liberty County.
Jimmy I posted Carolyn Brown's case from both the Georgia court of appeals and Supreme Court. As far as criminal charges and sentences go people can make their own judgements. I won't make any judgements as to who in Liberty County also fleeced the taxpayers or is currently doing it. You may know more than I do but we have to admit that serious wrong was done and she had the benefit of defense. If there is any more serious corruption in the county, I as a taxpayer am supportive of rooting it out and punishing it. I do believe that TOT accurately pointed in the right direction as to where a lot of our disdain should be directed and that is to the majority of county commissioners including chairman Lovette. I may be wrong but I thought that our commissioners approve the hiring of our unelected beaurocrat employees. They also approved the budget and allowed Ms. Mclothlin to blame our budget woes on refusing to renew a SPECIAL OPTION sales tax. She should have more accurately blamed our officials for way over spending the intended means of previous budgets and sales tax revenues. I suppose her success and job depends on demonizing the public for voting down a tax that was driving up our spending and budgets unnecessarily. Accurately placing the blame for a 22% budget increase would likely cost her a job in Liberty County.
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