Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Comments on bootstrap's blog

Don't vote to re-elect Chairman Lovett because he is in fact the head of the board of commissioners and it is on him that we are being subjected to this reckless mismanagement of our county.
LCBOCFinanceOfficer commented on Wednesday, Jun 22, 2016 at 14:58 PM
The Liberty County Board of Commissioner's adopted the FY 2017 Budget on Thursday, June 16th, after holding a public hearing on the budget Tuesday, June 7th at 6:00 pm. Both of these dates and times were advertised in the coastal courier on Sunday, May 29th.
I invite "bootstrap01" to come visit the Liberty County Finance Department. We have an open door policy and will be more than happy to share all of the information that we compile, track, and report on to the Board of Commissioners. Please know that I am not happy, nor proud, of a 22% increase in the General Fund budget. I encourage anyone who has questions regarding the budget to become more active in understanding state mandated funding requirements placed on counties, and the financial consequences we now face as a result of the November 2015 failed SPLOST referendum.
Furthermore, the Finance Department does not make the difficult decisions regarding the budget and millage rate. We track, compile, and report on the financial results of decisions made.
Last of all, and just for the record, I do sleep well at night and I live in a modest 1,400 square ft house valued at about $75,000. I drive a 2007 CTS, have a salary well below 6 digits, and can only dream of a pool, dock and boat as I sleep.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kimberly McGlothlin,
Chief Financial Officer
Liberty County BOC
Hvljma commented on Wednesday, Jun 22, 2016 at 18:40 PM
I think you need to do some major research and gather all of your facts before you make assumptions and smear someone's name that you know nothing about! You know NOTHING about doing a county budget or the amount of people above the CFO level that are involved in proposing and passing a county budget which explains why you ARE NOT Liberty County's Chief Finance Officer and why you're ranting on a blog!!! When you get a master's degree in accounting and think you can do a better job, apply for the position and THEN you can speak on the budget!! And you know NOTHING about the CFOs personal life, salary, home, automobile, etc even though you so comfortably and inaccurately assumed her of having taxpayers finance it. And since all you did was complain and object to the budget, what do you propose as a solution?? What do you think the propsed budget should be?? Where should the extra money come from?? What funding should be cut?? All you are proposing is voicing a solutionless opinion at a meeting......very productive! (**rolls eyes**) And if you have a solution, bring it up to the commissioners because they are the ones who make the decisions. Until then....GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!
bootstrap01 commented on Monday, Jun 27, 2016 at 11:39 AM
Well sounds like you share some kind of relationship? Can you tell everyone where the missing $1,000,000 went, or won't? Have a nice day my liberal socialist party apologist.

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