Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Jimmy Mack III

JimmyMackIII's Blog
Tot's Happy Day
Last comment by JimmyMackIII 34 minutes ago.

Take Me To Post Comment Form So...Tot's wife gets into a terrible automobile accident. Tot's just finished off a joint when he gets the call and takes off in his R.V. to the hospital. Tot meets the Doctor and the Doctor tells Tot, 'I've got bad news. Your wife's back was broken in three places, and the blood supply was cut off to her brain, she's a vegetable. She'll never regain consciousness. Plus, your insurance has run out, so you're going to have to care for her at home. I'm going to give you some salves and creams to use on her body, because she's going to develop these weeping bedsores, and she's completely incontinent. That means you're going to have to change her diapers several times a day...' And at that point Tot breaks down crying since his pot induced euphoria has worn off and says, 'Oh, my God, why did this happen? Why? Why? Why?' And the Doctor smiles and has a belly laugh and says, 'I'm just messing with you Tot. She's dead!'

Latest Activity: Jun 28, 2016 at 7:24 PM

Blog has been viewed (76) times.

JimmyMackIII commented on Tuesday, Jun 28, 2016 at 19:47 PM
Epilogue: Tot slowly exits the Hospital returning to his RV and fires up another Oregon Gold Joint knowing that he can now go home and dream where he will come to realize in his drug induced slumber that he will have an epiphany that he has just experienced the Best Day of his Life.
PoliticsNation commented on Tuesday, Jun 28, 2016 at 22:01 PM
@Jimmy and Tot--We have stay focused on important issues. These type of blogs draw folks away from the site and we lose our influence (what little we have). Don't let the devil use you.
wayne44 commented on Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016 at 05:34 AM
Jimmy and Tot, your personal battles have become a distraction on the site. If you two want to trade insults, then find some other place to do it.
up2sumptin commented on Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016 at 06:38 AM
Please stop.
JimmyMackIII commented on Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016 at 06:38 AM
"Blessed are the Peace Makers..."
When Tot stands down so will I. Until such time I will meet like with like. It seems that he has deleted his earlier Blog TITLED "Jimmy Darsey's Sickness is Evident" or words to that effect. I have even approached Tot on this Blog site under a white flag and tried to appeal to the both of us conducting a more civil dialogue. He took advantage of my overture and used it as an opportunity to further trash me. A very dishonorable thing to do, in MY book. He frequently refers to my deceased mother and father while he hides in anonymity behind a hidden profile. He clogs this site with repetitive Copy and Pastes. Something that ironically I TAUGHT him how to do. He blames Liberals for the Sandy Hook massacre of them babies and all other ills of this world.
It's HIS move now. And unless he learns to behave himself and stop negatively stereotyping whole groups of humans, I, Jimmy Darsey, am not going to let him enjoy impunity.

JimmyMackIII commented on Wednesday, Jun 29, 2016 at 10:27 AM
PN, my kindred spirit here...I am very sorry to disappoint you. However, sometimes we on the Left have to fight fire with fire. It all started when Newt Gingrich held his Republican workshop\conferences in the early nineties where he instructed prospective Republican Candidates for all levels of office, and incumbent Republicans, to begin referring to Liberals as: evil, traitors to America, demons and other gutter terminology. He established a beach head to make the term Liberal a four letter be used by those on the Right. He intended to make it an 'insult' to be called a Liberal. He achieved some level of 'success.'
Now we, or some of us, have to confront these lunatics before they gain more territory in the body Politic. YOU, PN, are a smooth, articulate unrattled voice for the Left. I see myself as a combatant flame thrower against these Right wing bubbas and bubbetts. We have to stand up to them.
Newt ushered in the so-called Republican Revolution with his name calling tactics and became the first Republican Speaker of the House for the first time in decades. But, as I said back then in print, "Every revolution devours its children," and we see that happening now. Trumpism like McCarthyism are Cancers that we must always fight. Even some members of his own party know this.
The fight is not pretty. It is a blood sport now. We were successful in stopping McCarthyism. We must now excise and defeat Trumpism for the malignancy that it is.

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