Monday, June 6, 2016

Difficulty getting election results.

ginalJimmySmith's Blog
Difficulty Getting election results.
Last comment by OriginalJimmySmith 9 hours, 41 minutes ago.

Take Me To Post Comment Form Difficulty Getting election results.

I have been trying to get a complete report of the individual prescient tally of the votes for all of the issues on the ballot in our recent primary election.

I want to see the numbers in each race in each prescient throughout the county.

There are many of us who would like to see those stats.

Mikelongcounty can you please help me? Or can the editor of the print paper please print this?

In the past this info was routinely published.

I will be grateful for any suggestions or assistance.

Jimmy Smith

Latest Activity: Jun 03, 2016 at 2:40 PM

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up2sumptin commented on Friday, Jun 03, 2016 at 21:27 PM
There is always he freedom of information act, though it might cost a little bit to get the data you want.
MikeLongCounty commented on Saturday, Jun 04, 2016 at 09:45 AM
Jimmy, sorry been out of town for a week. The editor is Jason Wermer and the paper's number is (912) 876-0156. He may be able to tell you something on the information, or if the Courier doesn't receive this information any more. I know you should be able to contact the Liberty County Election's Office or Registrar and they should be able to get that information to you. Try this website and see if it has the info you are seeking:
OriginalJimmySmith commented on Sunday, Jun 05, 2016 at 13:48 PM
I feel like being a taxpaying citizen and an interested voter I should get the information readily with in a day or to of the election. And it should cost little or nothing.
I called Mr Werner Friday and requested that the print copy of The Coastal Courier publish the numbers for the public. He made no commitment beyond the consideration of my request.
I believe that if the Courier did publish this info they would see quite a number of additional papers sold that particular issue.
wood17 commented on Sunday, Jun 05, 2016 at 15:34 PM
I personally would like to see all of the results published myself. Maybe they have and I missed them. Why would the local paper not want all of the results published? It seems as though we have a bit of a nasty public fight coming from the Sheriff's race. Interesting choice in hiring Sam Oliver as Mr Bowman's attorney. I had no idea we had a so called Special Master in equity in Liberty County Superior Court. I wonder if Sam Oliver was the Special Master in the Macintosh County court case over the Hog Hammock property just recently published in the Coastal Courier. The newspaper didn't list the attorney's of record in that case, the special "Master" or the judge of record. How do you publish a court case and not list any of that. The decision of the special "Master" in that case that was adopted by the Superior Court judge was unanimously overturned by the Georgia Supreme Court. We may want to figure out how we got a special "master" in the first place from Macintosh County. All of that is off topic and I apologize for highjacking the blog.

OriginalJimmySmith commented on Sunday, Jun 05, 2016 at 18:54 PM
You certainly are not hijacking this blog as your comments pertain to the subject.
After the story in today's Courier I'm beginning to think perhaps our Election's board and voter registration staff could use some adjustments and a bit of tuning.
As a lifelong native who is most interested in the well being of my beloved Liberty County I am embarrassed by our people in charge.
Thanks for you post.

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