Thursday, August 2, 2018

Shut down the Government

Hector Morales

As an American,
When MY president shuts down MY Govt, to secure MY border, and build MY wall, he has MY support. #BuildTheWall
John Henderson
John Henderson I think he should just sign an Executive Order to take money from Medicare and Social Security. and build his wall.
· Reply · 1d
Jimmy Smith
Jimmy Smith Maybe he should take the money from non essential government employees retirement benefits. Government employees have never actually created any revenue for the country. Social security funds were deducted from paychecks and matched by the employers.
· Reply · 23h
Mary Beth Whitfield
Mary Beth Whitfield You are so right, Jimmy. Social Security and Medicare are not part of the general fund. Just because the Dems stole our money does not mean President Trump will even consider doing so.
· Reply · 22h

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