Saturday, August 4, 2018

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Democrats True Selves

COMMENTARY: Democrats now revealing their true selves

By Wayne Allyn Root Review-Journal
August 1, 2018 - 9:00 pm

I feel like Paul Revere. “The communists are coming. The communists are coming.” This is real.

Their new leader is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The chairman of the Democratic National Committee has called the former waitress “the future of the Democratic Party.” She is now campaigning across ...


Last updated 1 hour, 56 minutes ago.
Posted in Politics.
10 views - comments (0)
Did Tariffs Make America Great?

Did Tariffs Make America Great?
Friday - July 27, 2018 at 6:53 am

By Patrick J. Buchanan

“Make America Great Again!” will, given the astonishing victory it produced for Donald Trump, be recorded among the most successful slogans in political history.

Yet it raises a question: How did America first become the world’s greatest economic power?

In 1998, in “The Great Betrayal: ...


Last updated 6 days, 7 hours ago.
Posted in Politics.
301 views - comments (0)
Is Putin's Russia an 'Evil Empire'?

Is Putin's Russia an 'Evil Empire'?
By Patrick J. Buchanan

Is Putin's Russia an 'Evil Empire'?

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Tuesday - July 24, 2018

"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce," a saying attributed to Karl Marx, comes to mind in this time of Trump. ...


Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago.
Posted in Politics.
376 views - comments (0)
Reaching the New Liberty Gazette

My son Jamey says that for you to participate on the Gazette you should email him and he will get you signed up.

Jamey said:
"I have now turned off Comment Moderation, meaning all comments to a post are immediately published when you save them. I'm not even being notified when a comment is made. Y'all behave, please. Say what you want, but keep it civil.


Last updated 1 month ago.
Posted in General.
1127 views - comments (1)
Last comment by timeontarget 1 month ago
OIG Report & True Pundit News

I'm glad to finally find out we can still blog here!

This is the official OIG report:

No, you are not going to download this report from the site it was already downloaded!

Now compare True Pundits news that was posted in 2016.

I've posted blog's on this in the past on Coastal ...


Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago.
Posted in Politics.
1818 views - comments (2)
Last comment by timeontarget 1 month, 2 weeks ago

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