Friday, May 4, 2018


James Kallstrom Discusses Investigative Predicate For Ongoing Mueller Probe…

Former FBI Deputy Director James Kallstrom appeared on Tucker Carlson to discuss the context of the ongoing Special Counsel investigation by Robert Mueller and his assigned team of investigators. Within the discussion Mr. Kallstrom provides some historic context for current events.
CTH is going to expand an outline of the Mueller probe origin, and current disposition, utilizing the latest information and contrast against the timeline of Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein. More on that soon.
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Posted in Abusive Cops, AG Jeff Sessions, Big Government, Big Stupid Government, Clinton(s), Conspiracy ?, Decepticons, Deep State, Dem Hypocrisy, Dept Of Justice, Desperately Seeking Hillary, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Transition, Election 2016, Election 2018, FBI, media bias, Notorious Liars, President Trump, propaganda, Uncategorized, White House Coverup | 158 Comments

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