Thursday, May 3, 2018


Rudy Giuliani Interview on Wide-Ranging Issues….

Former federal prosecutor, Mayor of New York and presidential candidate, Rudy Giuliani is now one of the lawyers for President Donald Trump.
Tonight Mr. Giuliani appeared on Fox News with Sean Hannity for a wide-ranging interview of current events and issues. Giuliani discussed the ongoing resistance efforts from the Clinton embeds inside the Robert Mueller team; and also discussed the “personal heartbreak” felt by President Trump toward the conduct of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein.
Additionally, Giuliani discussed the attacks against the Trump allies, former campaign aides, the Trump family and the other legal representatives of Donald Trump including Michael Cohen.  The institutional media apparatus is going bananas over this interview.
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Posted in 4th Amendment, 6th Amendment, AG Jeff Sessions, Big Government, Big Stupid Government, Clinton(s), Decepticons, Deep State, Dem Hypocrisy, Dept Of Justice, Desperately Seeking Hillary, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Transition, Election 2016, FBI, Ivanka Trump, Jeff Sessions, media bias, Melania Trump, New York, Notorious Liars, President Trump, propaganda, THE BIG UGLY, Uncategorized, USA, White House Coverup | 354 Comments

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