Thursday, May 15, 2014

Glorifying Perversion

Glorifying Perversion

May 14, 2014 by  
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Glorifying Perversion
Former University of Missouri football player Michael Sam was selected by St. Louis in the seventh round of the 2014 NFL Draft. When he found out, he kissed his boyfriend for all the world to see.

It is now established orthodoxy that not only must the homosexual lifestyle be “accepted” by all without question, but it must be glorified by all as well.
The sports and entertainment media jumped the shark with Michael Sam’s celebrated kiss televised for all to see after learning he was drafted by an NFL team. But the kiss was not a one-off event, as it began to be replayed ad nauseam on sports media, particularly ESPN.
Sam was lauded for his courage in “coming out.” But what courage is involved in riding the wave of popular culture? When he announced he was gay, he was invited to the White House by President Barack Obama.
Sam had the example of NBA player Jason Collins, who was featured on the cover ofTime in its April 2014 issue of the “100 Most Influential People of the World,” after he announced he was homosexual, becoming the celebrated “first ever openly gay player in a major U.S professional league.”
There is no courage in glorifying perversion, nor in riding the wave of popular culture. The courage is in opposing it, which can cause you to be sent to a re-education camp (NFL player Don Jones) or cost you your livelihood (Brendan Eich, David and Jason Benham and almost Phil Robinson).
In case you haven’t heard, the Benhams had a show canceled that was scheduled to begin on HGTV. That announcement coincided with an announcement by NBC that it was to begin production of a lesbian sitcom produced by Ellen DeGeneres. The establishment culture has been inoculating us to this end for some time with shows featuring homosexual characters.
Michael Sam and Jason Collins are not Jackie Robinson. Robinson’s effort took courage. Sam’s and Collins’ not so much.
Unleash the hounds with charges of homophobia. I do not care. Nor do I care when I meet someone whether he is homosexual or heterosexual. I never inquire, nor do I expect it to be announced, much less thrown in my face.
It is long-established religious orthodoxy that sexual immorality — including homosexuality — is a sin. That is God’s word, not mine. Don’t blame me.
Christianity is my lifestyle. I have no desire to preach that truth to you if you don’t want to hear it. Why must you insist on preaching to me that I should embrace your lifestyle? I will not, for I cannot (Romans 1:18-32).
We are no longer slouching toward Gomorrah. We have long since arrived.
Going contrary to established orthodoxy has become dangerous. Contrary viewpoints are no longer tolerated in America. That is fascist and totalitarian.

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