Monday, May 12, 2014

Bob Livingston on the mess we are already in.

What’s Important Now?

May 12, 2014 by  

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What’s Important Now?

We all love our TV, movies, social media chitchat and sports, and some people like to have a beer; but where is our focus? What should hold our attention?
I can tell you that whether we realize it or not, we are living in very critical times — by far the worst in 150 years, if not in U.S. history. We face the possible and probable loss of our savings and assets. We are in the midst of the breakdown of the rule of law which leads us to the breakdown of law and order. We are assaulted from all sides with a decline and coarsening of American culture.
We as a Christian nation are overlorded by Satanists who rule by lies and deception. Do the Congress, the President, the Supreme Court and the thousands of appointed bureaucrats have a loyalty or reverence for a deity? Yes, call it Skull and Bones, or other secret orders of ancient handshakes and symbols of the all-seeing eye of “providence” and “The New Order of the Ages.” Call it the illuminati. Call it the culture of greed and debasement. Call it the almighty dollar and unlimited power. Call it what you will, but recognize it for what it is.
That we live in or under a democracy and have the vote and civil rights is an illusion. We have no natural rights. We are under the tyranny of a runaway Federal judiciary. Federal judges rule by decree. Many people understand this on some level, but few admit it.
Criminals and murderers have preferred rights and the protection of the “law.” But the innocent people are spied upon, harassed, bullied, assaulted, deprived of property and imprisoned by the state for opposing state-approved orthodoxy or violating “laws” and “regulations” pulled out of the air by unelected, porn-obsessed bureaucrats. Only false hope and self-illusion keeps us believing in hoaxes and fantasies of the rule of law.
We should dismiss the lies of politicians and bureaucrats, realizing that they’d sooner tell a lie even when the truth better suits their purpose. Those skunks are paid by the Federal government. Where do we think their loyalty lies? Politicians are great deceivers, and they worship the great satanic golden calf. U.S. government is the politics of deception.
The fish rots from the head, so it’s not surprising that years of lawless Presidents ruling by edict in violation of the Constitution — aided and abetted by a compliant and feckless Congress and obsequious media — have led the devolution of the rule of law.
Are we listening to accountants and lawyers to understand what is “lawful?” We know that these people are owned by the system. They must worship at the feet of the altar of the system or be disbarred. Whatever they tell you conforms to the system.
There is no human freedom to be found in the fantasy world of the controlled media. We should avoid the controlled press and its directed messages.
Hollywood, the entertainment industry, the controlled media and all that implies is and has long been a leader in the debasement and coarsening of American culture. It is dominated by satanic rituals, pedophilia and sexual abuse.
There are new charges of abuse of children being made against directors and producers of blockbuster movies. These are echoes of the charges of a few years ago made by other former child actors. But these activities mostly remain sub rosa, and the animals that perpetuate these crimes are glorified for their artistic abilities and go on to create the films that dominate and direct popular culture.
Yes, these are the people who set the course for society by the mores they glorify and those they denigrate.
There are many phenomena today that have come about gradually. Revolution is silent, if gradual. Revolution is crisis and chaos, if not gradual. Gradualism is a process of bringing about change in a way that is imperceptible and unspoken. It avoids shooting revolution and bloodshed, but the endgame is certain.
Our U.S. dollar currency is in the process of destruction. We see and feel this in rising food prices and the overall increase in the cost of living.
We should know that the U.S. monetary system (actually a non-system) was created to enslave the workers and the creators of wealth with paper money. Depreciated paper money called U.S. dollars is sapping your wealth and savings while you sleep. Millions of Americans have already been impoverished, and millions more will be impoverished because they still live with false faith in a fantasy world of lies.
The U.S. dollar is a worldwide Ponzi scheme designed to defraud.
People begin to notice that their money buys less and less. They try to get ahead by gambling and creating schemes of fraud or engaging in outright theft. Moral breakdown is a direct result of devaluation of the currency, though very few people know it or get the connection.
As paper money depreciates and becomes worth less and less at the grocery store, the work ethic of the people begins to decline. People develop a “What’s the use” attitude because “Friday and payday” become meaningless. We have now reached a tipping point where there are as many people living off a government check as there are eking out a living in this overregulated, overtaxed, overburdened, hollowed-out fascist system.
Depreciation of the currency is a hidden process of transferring wealth and savings of the people to the government. Eventually, the endgame is the impoverishment of the entire population. But this is a process of ruse and gradualism. Few people understand it, and few take action to preserve their savings and wealth.
Governments never announce their intentions. So gradual and deceptive is the process that few in government even realize the failure of the system. It all goes back to the central bank(s) and its implosion of the financial and moral order. The central bank has corrupted the currency, creating a quicksand society.
We should give up false hope for reality and teach our children ourselves. They must be rescued from the public (non)education system, which teaches them equality, compliance and fealty to the state and propagandizes them against their own rights in the name of egalitarianism and socialism. It is a dumbing-down to the perfect level of obedience.
Ron Paul has created an excellent home school curriculum to help you rescue your children.
There are yet millions of intelligent, educated and good Americans who do not suspect the fraud, deceit and the breakdown of law and order in the U.S. They remain unaware that they are becoming impoverished by their own government. They see no blood in the streets, so they see no problem.
But government is failing at every level along with the collapse of morality. In the final stages of any government there is a breakdown of morality and work ethic. Society becomes “dog-eat-dog.”
The first trigger of alert is when a majority of people come to understand that government is organized crime and that government is at all-out war with its own citizens.
There are better times ahead, but we must first go through the fire. Exactly when that will happen is anyone’s guess. The elite are masters at manipulating and propping up the rickety system.
But collapse it will. All fiat systems rend themselves in the end. Those who are prepared will weather the storm. May God have mercy on those who are not.
to get free copies of two books that reveal the sinister plot by the US Government to steal our wealth—a plot Merrill Jenkins, Sr. (the Original Monetary Realist) tried to expose at great risk. His books are hard to find, but these books include rare transcripts from his lectures.

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