Friday, January 10, 2014

The situation was not good on the Liberty Coast 150 years ago.  Without a protective force, everyone was ordered off the sea islands.  Darien had already been burned to the ground.  Most of the local planters had removed all assets upland and kept a skeleton crew to run the place.  Sunbury had a small detachment to man the guns and keep a sharp eye on the Federal gun boats visible in St. Catherine’s sound.  One industry was thriving.  By digging a well in the marsh, salt water was captured and could be boiled out to produce salt.  At a time when everything was scarce, salt was particularly valuable since  all the meat sent on the army supply trains had to be cured.  The going price was $25 a bushel and it was said that a salt maker could realize $600 a day.  As you cross the causeway onto Colonel’s Island, look left and you will see the salt flats.  Nowadays it’s just a good place to catch fiddler crabs.  We still keep one eye out for the Feds.

Sunbury recorded the first freeze in two years this week.  Got the bananna crop in just in time.

Sunday music returns this week with a new twist.  Members of Ambrosius will perform upstairs at the usual time.  Give the bartender a knowing wink to get your $2 Bud Lite draft.

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