Thursday, January 30, 2014

From: Elaine Maley []
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 9:31 AM
Subject: going 'Coastal"
Some of you have enjoyed the luxury of living on the salt water all of your life.  The rest of us, while disadvantaged, occasionally got the thrill of ’going to the coast’.  Letting that rumor slip, often while getting everyone ready for church, jump started the entire family into a bee hive of cooperation and perfect behavior.  All eyes were then turned to the sky anxiously looking for bad weather that might derail the trip.  Anyone in the back seat who made a boneheaded remark about it ‘looking like rain’ chanced an elbow to the ribs.  We always figured if we could get past Waycross we were in the clear.  We didn’t realize our parents were either as determined to go as we were, or did not have the energy to quell the riot that would have ensued.  After all these years, that experience makes every day on the coast a beautiful day, no matter the weather. Raining sideways across the marsh is a particular favorite.
Super Bowl this Sunday.  Several hours of  New Jersey traffic, another two hours of ‘enhanced ‘ security checks, then five hours of 11 degree temps to see a football game.  Ditch those $2,000.00 tickets and watch the game with some comfort food from the Crab Co.
Rhonda and the Relics February 16.  Oldway Mid-Stars next Sunday.

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