Monday, January 20, 2014


The water temperature in the Sunbury Channel is 50 degrees.  Crabs bury in the sand, fish stack up in deep water and don’t move, shrimp wad up in a hole and literally lay down.  Couple of warm, sunny, days later and everything is back to normal.  One advantage; micro-organisms that normally occur can’t survive cold temps, so the water is extremely clear.  You can see the difference off the marina pier, but a nice slow boat ride is worth the effort.


Football wins the day this Sunday, music returns next week with the very excitable ‘Hit Man’. 

The Sapphire Bullets put on a big show Jan. 25 at the Knights of Columbus building on Liberty St. in Savannah.  Check with Phil McDonald in the guitar dept. of Portman’s music for info and tix.

Our Christmas gift collection of long sleeve Crab Co t-shirts rolled in the first week of January.  Don’t miss this opportunity to make a selection before we fashionably cut the sleeves off in a desperate attempt to sell this stuff.

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