Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for
Personal Liberty. Happy New Year 2014. Unfortunately, happy days aren’t here again. I can’t lie to you. I can’t make something up to pacify you during a national holiday. My New Year’s gift to you is the truth. You’ve got to hear it if you want to save America, save your job or business, save your civil rights and freedoms, and save your children’s or grandchildren’s future.
The truth is shocking and disturbing. The truth is we have a tyrant in the White House. His level of bullying, lying, spying, distorting, manipulating, intimidating, demonizing and using propaganda to cram his policies down our throats is unlike any President in history. His name is Barack Obama. But it might as well be some Marxist thug like Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez or the old leaders of East Germany. The result is something none of us ever imagined: America living in decline, crisis and fear.
An even better analogy is to compare Obama to Chicago’s own Al Capone. We have an organized crime gangster living in the White House who believes the ends justify the means. He’s playing the meanest, dirtiest game that has ever been played in D.C. Let me explain the tricks of the gangster’s trade and how we are being played.
First, Obama uses his army of government employees to fix elections by intimidating critics and destroying his political opposition. The Tea Parties won the 2010 elections in a historic landslide. So just like the dictator/gangster Obama is, he used the Internal Revenue Service to attack, persecute and bankrupt them. He sucked out their life, energy and enthusiasm. The result: Amid the worst economy since the Great Depression, Obama won the election with his army of government employees doing the dirty work.
And just to be sure, Obama’s loyal government employee goons in the Census Bureau created fraudulent data about jobs in the weeks leading up to Election Day. Like all organized crime, the books were cooked. And I believe the fraud continues unabated every month. The jobs reports are either outright crooked, just made up out of thin air or certainly manipulated to make it look like we have a jobs recovery. We don’t.
That’s how gangsters and tin pot dictators stay in power: through an army of brutal enforcers doing whatever it takes to keep the boss in power. We don’t have a President, we have a capo di tutti.
Don’t forget Obama also used the IRS to silence free speech by attacking critics (like me) and hundreds of others who dared criticize him. Obama even stooped so low as to persecute a Stage 4 terminal cancer victim who criticized Obamacare. Only a few days after appearing on
FOX News, this cancer victim at death’s door was audited by the IRS. Coincidence? If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
But that’s all child’s play. The
serious dictator/gangster wants to know your deepest, darkest secrets so he can extort and blackmail you. Obama uses the IRS to uncover his opponent’s business and tax dealings. He uses the National Security Agency to listen to all our calls, emails and texts. He uses Obamacare to snoop into your medical and sexual history. Or didn’t you know Obamacare demands that your doctor ask about your sexual history? That information is now in the hands of government (aka Big Brother). Obama understands whoever has the most information is in control.
Everyone has secrets they don’t want publicly exposed, at the risk of losing your career, reputation or — worst of all — your wife and family. I believe Obama and his goons are using this information to extort and blackmail his GOP opposition.
If you don’t believe this is happening, you are naïve. This is the very point of all the three-letter government organizations: IRS, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NSA. Obama uses them as his personal army, police force and Mafia hit men.
How else can you explain John Boehner calling Obama bad names and swearing to support small government, lower taxes, less spending and reducing the debt, and then turning around days later and agreeing to a deal to increase spending and raise taxes and the debt?
How else can you explain a true-blue conservative patriot like Justice John Roberts standing in full throttle opposition to Obamacare, writing the majority Supreme Court opinion against it, striking it down, killing it, and then suddenly reversing course to join the other side and write a
new majority opinion supporting and approving Obamacare?
How else can you explain Gen. David “We Never Leave Anyone Behind” Petraeus, then head of the CIA, standing silently by while his CIA operatives were murdered and left behind in Benghazi? Obama refused to send help, yet Petraeus never said a word. Why? Was he being blackmailed over an affair? Now we know he was, in fact, having an affair. But at the time, no one knew – except, of course, the government agents listening to his calls and spying on his emails. Did they use that information to blackmail him, and then hang him out to dry after the fact? Perhaps the affair was the smallest thing they had on Petraeus. Perhaps there’s much more that we’ll never know.
But everyone has secrets. Everyone does something wrong. Big Brother now knows them. And I believe they are using them to extort our politicians and military leaders.
Obama obviously has ways to control people. It takes more than wonderful speeches on teleprompter to make conservatives suddenly go against all their principals. My belief is that Obama and his Chicago hit squad has “the goods” on the opposition. They find your weakness, then hold it over your head like a sword. They’ve uncovered transgressions, corruption, insider trading, tax cheating or photos of the political opposition in bed with the wrong person. They might even offer a deal too good to refuse: Vote our way, and we’ll give you a $1 million-per-year lobbying job or law-firm partnership. Vote against us and we’ll leak your embarrassing secrets and ruin your life. There is no other common-sense explanation.
What about Obama’s executive orders, ignoring Congress and the Constitution to carry out his big government plans: to give amnesty to illegal immigrants, to use the EPA to destroy the coal industry, to stop oil drilling cold in its tracks? The list is long. Just like dictators and Mafia gangsters who couldn’t care less what laws say.
Or Obama’s henchman in the Senate, Harry Reid, dispensing with a century of tradition to allow Obama’s appointees to be approved by a simple 51-vote majority: a so-called “nuclear option.” Why? To put appointees in places of importance with such radical Marxist backgrounds they could never be approved without rigging the system.
Then there’s the military purge, about which few American’s know. Obama has fired more commanding generals in the past year, along with hundreds of junior officers on track to become generals, than any President in history. It’s a scene right out of “The Godfather,” when Al Pacino kills every opponent standing in the way of his power.
This is not a happy commentary for New Year’s. But this is the commentary America needs to hear. This is my “tough love” New Year’s gift to America. A wake-up call. A gift that just might save your life.
Wake up, America. Because by next New Year (2015), it may all be gone: our country, capitalism, Judeo-Christian values, American exceptionalism and our children’s future.
All wiped away by one man: a lying, spying, bullying tyrant in the White House.
I hope that our visitors will read and consider this.
Jimmy Smith