Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Board Of Education

The board of education is most effective when applied to the seat of learning.

This paddle was used by Mr. Albert Rogers at Bradwell Institute on Washington Avenue. The paddle is one of many artifacts in the collection at the Greenhouse. It was brought to me by Amanda Cox. I am grateful to have it.

This paddle is a realistic reminder of the way things were during a point in time when people were more disciplined than they are in this day and age.

Albert Rogers grew up in Claxton and after graduation from Georgia Teachers College he came to Hinesville and joined the staff at Bradwell about 1955.  He was the eighth grade Science teacher. He was an excellent teacher and like almost all teachers of that era he demanded good behavior and maintained order in his classes.

When I was in Mr. Rogers class during the eighth grade my desk was front row beside the door. I recall seeing this paddle in use one day during class. It was applied to the seat of learning of my good friend the late Earnie Guyett. Earnie was one of the largest boys of our class and from an early age he was a tad rowdy. I wish he had lived to old age but unfortunately his days on this earth ended about three decades ago.  Upon examination of Mr. Rogers paddle I found that many students wrote their name on the paddle. I noticed that none of the names and dates were from my era of time in his class.

Earnie did not autograph the paddle. At the time of Earnie's punishment he was physically the equal to Mr. Rogers. Earnie was seated opposite from me in the rear of the class on the other side of the room. I don't recall what Earnie did but there was some commotion and Earnie was called down and ordered to come to the front of the room. Mr. Rogers instructed him to stand before the teachers desk and bend over the desk and hold on to the back side of the desktop. I was only a few feet away.

Earnie dutifully obeyed instructions and defiantely kept his knees stiff which put his butt at just about eye level for seated students. Mr Rogers stood on the other side of Earnie which put him facing in my direction. Mr. Rogers stood much like a baseball player at bat, he fixed his feet firmly and held the paddle in both of his hands as he took the first lick with all of his might and a loud whack sounded.  Earnie did not flinch. Mr. Rogers drew back for the second lick and put  more effort into his swing, this time I noticed Earnie's knees give a little bit. There seemed to be a slight pause as Mr. Roger drew the paddle back as far as he could and gave a mighty swing which landed with a very loud whack. That time I noticed Earnie's knees give and his fingers tightened convulsively on the back edge of Mr. Rogers desk. Earnie was instructed to stand up and face the classeroom which he did with a forced grin but he never shed a single tear.

From the memories in my mind and I hope this brings back memories of a good time in the years of our lives.

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