Friday, December 27, 2013

SCC news

Running  a seafood restaurant on the coast means never having to take your Christmas lights down.
 Rain is forecast for this Sunday.  Don’t let it keep you from seeing this very talented young piano player.  Brenden Polk will be joined by Michael Hulett on sax for this show.  No cover, $2 Bud Lite Draft. 

The boys went fishing over the Christmas break and got into some big trout.  One glance in the cooler and you thought it was a salmon run.

The Sapphire Bullets have announced a show for January 25 at The Knights of Columbus building in Savannah.  Check with Phil McDonald at Portman’s Music for details.

The Crab Co will close Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week and reopen on Thursday, January 2.  Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all our friends of Sunbury Crab Co.

Apologies for sending this E-Mail out late.  We can’t stop watching replays of the Georgia Southern-Florida game.

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