Saturday, December 19, 2015

timeontarget's Blog
Where are our tax bills?
Last comment by Sheran 1 day, 18 hours ago.

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The 20th of Dec is the deadline for property tax notices in the State of Georgia. There are 159 counties in Georgia. Liberty County is almost always the last county in the state to take our digest and proposed millage rates to the state office in Atlanta.

Why are we always late?

The main reason is our school board waits until the last minute to set their millage so that they can be certain that ours is among the top 15% of the 159 counties so that we qualify for Federal Impact Aid to help us supply schools for military dependents.

To get those funds our school board must impose an excessively high property tax on Liberty County property owners. There is no incentive to operate our school system as efficiently as possible.

In fact the opposite is the case.

Military auto owners purchase a Liberty County car tag for $20 whether it is a one hundred thousand dollar vehicle or a two thousand dollar clunker. We the locals pay much more for similar vehicles.

Lowes of Hinesville prices their merchandise at a rate of ten percent above other stores of theirs in non military towns and then give a 10% military discount while we civilians pay an excessive amount. Harris Ace Hardware is usually cheaper than Lowes for their merchandise.

I am sure there are a number of other things that cost us locals more to live here than would be the case if Fort Stewart was not here.

We are told that Fort Stewart benefits us all but woefully I have to disagree with that.

A breakfast in Screven Ga. recently cost me just over five dollars for the same thing that averages about nine dollars here in Liberty County. Oh and in Screven it was not a chain store eatery it was one that has been there every time I have ever passed through.

I want to be as generous to my wife for Christmas as I can but I wish I knew what my property tax burden for this year is before I select a gift. I believe we have until Feb 15th maybe to pay our property tax without the penalty and the penalty is one or two percent and then for each month afterwards an additional one per cent is added.

You work and strive all of your life to pay off your home and property and then we are stuck with the equivalent of a nominal house payment in the form of tax notice for the rest of our lives.

I never worked in government employment by choice. I don't enjoy a generous pension but I am proud to be self sustaining. However my resources are limited and if I lived in Screven I would live much higher on the hog as the saying goes.

Now to my message.

Our local elected officials in county, city and school board all have become addicted to their heroin of tax revenue which they extract from us at every possible means and then create things such as the "Justice Center" which is in fact a monument to injustice for old time property owners. I've been told that we the property owners of Liberty County are obligated on the Justice Center for about twenty six million give or take dollars and I suspect we are still in debt for the elaborate city hall as well as the beautiful Development Authority building.

If you own property here you are going to pay these bills off if you live long enough and don't lose your real estate.

Our chief administrators in all of our local governments are generously compensated in the $100,000 range with many highly paid underlings receiving generous salaries and benefits.

Our Administrators were obligated ethically to steer our inept elected officials away from straddling us with these debts.

Did they do it? No they did not.

Oh and the more new facilities that we build the more employees must be hired to operate such facilities. The more people a supervisor oversees the more salary he receives.

There is no incentive for efficiency, in fact the opposite is true.

And many public service jobs are non essential. I'd bet one out of ten could be completely done without and likely with good management and oversight we could improve on that even.

However there is no incentive to operate efficiently.

Oversight is supposed to be done by our Mayor and Council, Commissioners and Commission Chairman and School Board members and their Chairman. They are supposed to operate in the best interest of property owners first and residents second.

Those who don't should have opposition next time there term is up.

Most of our local politicians think way too much of themselves and just go along with whatever the employees and administrators advise.

They enjoy doing things for their constituents and in this county most of their constituents are tenants and many of them are tenants to slum lords who pay far too little taxes on mobile home parks jammed full of humanity and misery that must be served by the taxpayer's employees and administrators.

We are a community of infantry soldiers and camp followers many of which survive on welfare of one form or another. We have a substantial number of units of public assistance residents. Think Tree Properties and such.

We are a community of consumers and not much production. We are in the perfect situation for misguided public officials to impose local option sales taxes on us and then use the proceeds of such taxes to put us in debt if we own property.

Last year the voters quietly rejected the SPLOST because they have had their fill of seeing our property taxes steadily increased.

I believe our newly elected Mayor thinks that SPLOST is a good thing. I think we can survive without it and suck it up by paying the current tax rate but please lets not build anything more for us to support.

I'd like to suggest that every single Liberty County property or homeowner make a new year's resolution to not vote for any candidate who advocates another round of SPLOST.

Merry Christmas To all and especially the natives.

Latest Activity: Dec 17, 2015 at 2:36 PM


Blog has been viewed (114) times.

Sheran commented on Thursday, Dec 17, 2015 at 18:33 PM
I'm not sure why Liberty county taxes are late but Long county taxes are late this year also. My guess it has something to do statewide.
Sheran commented on Thursday, Dec 17, 2015 at 19:17 PM
This is Liberty county Facebook page:

Previous blog entries by timeontarget
Social Security/Did you know?????
December 19, 2015
HISTORY LESSON ON YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY CARD Just in case some of you young whippersnappers (& some older ones) didn’t know this. It’s easy to check out, if you don’t believe it. Be sure and show it to your family and friends. They need a little history lesson on what’s ...
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America First---OR WORLD WAR III
December 18, 2015
AMERICA FIRST –- OR WORLD WAR III Pat Buchanan: GOP hawks shouldn't assume President Putin is a coward. “If you’re in favor of World War III, you have your candidate.” So said Rand Paul, looking directly at Gov. Chris Christie, who had just responded to a question from CNN’s Wolf ...
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Obama / San Bardino shoters?????
December 16, 2015
This from Herman Cain //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Published by: Dan Calbrese on Wednesday December 16th, 2015 Politics: Awful: Obama Administration put a stop to probe of San Bernardino jihadists prior to attack and promptly harassed the DHS officer who tried to do his job. The Hill has published an absolutely explosive op-ed ...
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Buchanan on the Republican Party
December 15, 2015
Will the Elites Blow Up the GOP? By Patrick J. Buchanan "Buchanan, if you ever hear of a group getting to stop X, be sure to put your money on X." So, Richard Nixon told me half a century ago, after he had been badly burned in just such a ...
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Allen West Afghan pilots disappear.
December 13, 2015
Two Afghan pilots DISAPPEAR from Georgia Air Force base, and now… Written by Ashley Edwardson on December 13, 2015 Well, they’re still missing. The Afghan pilots, Shirzad Rohullah and Mirwais Kohistani simply failed to report for training last Monday and while the United States Air Force and police in Georgia ...
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Monday, April 20, 2015

New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation

Hillary Rodham Clinton at a small-business round table on Wednesday in Des Moines.CreditCharlie Neibergall/Associated Press
The book does not hit shelves until May 5, but already the Republican Rand Paul has called its findings “big news” that will “shock people” and make voters “question” the candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
“Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer — a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities — is proving the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle still in its infancy.
The book, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton’s State Department in return.
“We will see a pattern of financial transactions involving the Clintons that occurred contemporaneous with favorable U.S. policy decisions benefiting those providing the funds,” Mr. Schweizer writes.
His examples include a free-trade agreement in Colombia that benefited a major foundation donor’s natural resource investments in the South American nation, development projects in the aftermath of the Haitian earthquake in 2010, and more than $1 million in payments to Mr. Clinton by a Canadian bank and major shareholder in theKeystone XL oil pipeline around the time the project was being debated in the State Department.
Continue reading the main story

What Hillary Clinton Would Need to Do to Win

In the long lead up to Mrs. Clinton’s campaign announcement, aides proved adept in swatting down critical books as conservative propaganda, including Edward Klein’s “Blood Feud,” about tensions between the Clintons and the Obamas, and Daniel Halper’s “Clinton Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine.”
But “Clinton Cash” is potentially more unsettling, both because of its focused reporting and because major news organizations including The Times, The Washington Post and Fox News have exclusive agreements with the author  to pursue the story lines found in the book.
Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which includes Mr. Paul and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, have been briefed on the book’s findings, and its contents have already made their way into several of the Republican presidential candidates’ campaigns.
Conservative “super PACs” plan to seize on “Clinton Cash,” and a pro-Democrat super PAC has already assembled a dossier on Mr. Schweizer, a speechwriting consultant to former President George W. Bush and a fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution who has contributed to the conservative website, to make the case that he has a bias against Mrs. Clinton.
Continue reading the main story

Who Is Running for President (and Who’s Not)?

And the newly assembled Clinton campaign team is planning a full-court press to diminish the book as yet another conservative hit job.
A campaign spokesman, Brian Fallon, called the book part of the Republicans’ coordinated attack strategy on Mrs. Clinton “twisting previously known facts into absurd conspiracy theories,” and he said “it will not be the first work of partisan-fueled fiction about the Clintons’ record, and we know it will not be the last.”
Mr. Schweizer and a spokeswoman for HarperCollins, which is owned by News Corporation and is publishing the book, declined to comment.
The timing is problematic for Mrs. Clinton as she begins a campaign to position herself as a “champion for everyday Americans.”
Continue reading the main story
From 2001 to 2012, the Clintons’ income was at least $136.5 million, Mr. Schweizer writes, using a figure previously reported in The Post. “During Hillary’s years of public service, the Clintons have conducted or facilitated hundreds of large transactions” with foreign governments and individuals, he writes. “Some of these transactions have put millions in their own pockets.”
The Clinton Foundation has come under scrutiny for accepting foreign donations while Mrs. Clinton served as secretary of state. Last week, the foundation revised its policy to allow donations from countries like Germany, Canada, the Netherlands and Britain but prohibit giving by other nations in the Middle East.
Mr. Schweizer’s book will be released the same day former President Bill Clinton and the Clintons’ daughter, Chelsea, will host the Clinton Global Initiative gathering with donors in Morocco, the culmination of a foundation trip to several African nations. (A chapter in the book is titled “Warlord Economics: The Clintons Do Africa.”)
There is a robust market for books critical of the Clintons. The thinly sourced “Blood Feud,” by Mr. Klein, at one point overtook Mrs. Clinton’s memoir “Hard Choices” on the best-seller list.
But whether Mr. Schweizer’s book can deliver the same sales is not clear. He writes mainly in the voice of a neutral journalist and meticulously documents his sources, including tax records and government documents, while leaving little doubt about his view of the Clintons.
His reporting largely focuses on payments made to Mr. Clinton for speeches, which increased while his wife served as secretary of state, writing that “of the 13 Clinton speeches that fetched $500,000 or more, only two occurred during the years his wife was not secretary of state.”
In 2011, Mr. Clinton made $13.3 million in speaking fees for 54 speeches, the majority of which were made overseas, the author writes.
Correction: April 19, 2015 
An earlier version of this article gave an incorrect name for the think tank for which Peter Schweizer is a fellow. It is the Hoover Institution, not the Hoover Institute.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Gink's Filthy language

Gink's Filthy language
Last comment by JimmyMackIII 43 minutes ago.

Take Me To Post Comment FormThere is filth here on this site. Go to Ginko_Biloba's site and click on his comments. I am sorry to expose anyone to this kind of "language." Many of us disagree but we don't use filthy language to accentuate our disagreements.

For the most part we all use humor, clever retorts, valid criticisms, and clean language. What Ginko is doing is downright wrong. What if we all did what he is doing?

If you visit his profile, and click on comments, prepare yourself for they are not for the faint of heart.

We are allowed to disagree here, but not like this.

It doesn't matter if you agree or vehemently disagree with my views on these pages. But this is not about my views. It is about how one frames their responses.

The way Ginko is doing it though, has no place here or anywhere else unless one is part of the prison culture.

If you wish to do something about this kind of language being utilized by Ginko_Biloba, then report him to the webmeister. If it is allowed to stand, this place will be reduced to a pigsty.

Latest Activity: Apr 11, 2015 at 12:47 PM 


Blog has been viewed (37) times.

ginko_biloba commented on Saturday, Apr 11, 2015 at 13:53 PM
this is for jmack....FUCK YOU CRYBABY BITCH
timeontarget commented on Saturday, Apr 11, 2015 at 14:10 PM
No I do not approve of the language used in comments posted under the handle of:
However I doubt that Ginko is really another individual but more likely is the creation of another blogger.
For all I know Ginko is a creation of Jimmy Darsey.
JimmyMackIII commented on Saturday, Apr 11, 2015 at 14:21 PM
Tot: Gink has wandered completely off the reservation. And sadly, you seem to be marginally infected by his comments.
I will not turn your own words against you by suggesting that Ginko is really Tot. However, your comments are indicative of a dark and devious mindset.
I know you like seeing me get ANY sort of abuse. I can take it. But Gink's language is wrong and you know it. Perhaps you should run it by your wife and get her opinion of his language.?!
JimmyMackIII commented on Saturday, Apr 11, 2015 at 15:16 PM
My wife has access to this computer. Once before when a right wing nut job started sending me personal messages of a questionable nature, I took them to Officer Joe Gilliam of HPD. He saw them and agreed there may be a veiled threat being made towards me, and that the individual may in fact be in violation of my Fourth Amendment Rights.
He paid a home visit to my 'antagonist' and the messages stopped.
Would you want this filth, regardless of whom you think is the author, coming to you on your computer?

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Previous blog entries by JimmyMackIII

Monday, April 6, 2015

Tom Zoellner

Many of my friends would disagree, and that's fine, but...I've come to believe that one of the only good things to come from physical or mental suffering is that it has the power to make you more aware of your total dependence on God, which is, was and always will be there, though it remains as out-of-sight as an underground electric cable.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Norman Mattoon Thomas after having run for President several times as a socialist said this in a speech in 1944.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

VALERIE JARRETT Here is the lead fox in the house. This one gets to whisper in the kings ear many times a day. I’d like to draw your attention to the small print next to Valerie’s name....while attending Stanford University. Ponder and re-ponder what she boldly stated way back in 1977 “.......using freedom of religion in America against itself.” AND guess what....that is exactly what she and her muslim czars have...and are we sleep. VALERIE JARRETT - The Top Muslim in the Top Power Seat - Obama's TOP ADVISOR Yes ladies and gentlemen, THIS is Obama's top advisor. Seems as if his promise to fundamentally change America is in full swing. Had enough yet.?


Here is the lead fox in the house. This one gets to whisper in the kings ear many times a day.  I’d like to draw your attention to the small print next to Valerie’s name....while attending Stanford University.  Ponder and re-ponder what she boldly stated way back in 1977 “.......using freedom of religion in America against itself.” AND guess what....that is exactly what she and her muslim czars have...and are we sleep.
  VALERIE JARRETT - The Top Muslim in the Top Power Seat - Obama's TOP ADVISOR
Yes ladies and gentlemen, THIS is Obama's top advisor.
Seems as if his promise to fundamentally change America is in full swing.
Had enough yet.?

Saturday, February 28, 2015

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Hello Tot
Last comment by timeontarget 1 hour, 19 minutes ago.

Take Me To Post Comment FormI have been let out of hell but only on a sincere promise to try and behave myself. Presently these blogs are for the most part hard right conservative in nature with the word IDIOT being used frequently by a right winger who goes by rendezvoustoo something or other. I have no quarrel with him, and I am sincerely sorry that many here do not know the history behind playing the dozens. The game that led to my latest demise from these pages and the banishment of the Jimbo-Smacky clown who drew me into an inappropriate fight that I should have handled in a different manner.

I will play nice if yall play nice. For the record I am a proud liberal Democrat and will always be one. I am sorry if you do not like that. I do not like right wing conservatives. But I will show you the same respect you show ME. I am in the minority here but I am not looking for trouble. Just do not insult me or my political ideology and I will not insult you or your ideology.

First Official Comment: Tot is right about Charles Fraser and his bid for office. Hinesville has grown into a town that is bought and sold by politicians and certain realtors for the sake of the almighty dollar. The forever dwindling few of us who remain, it pains me to say, that those of us who grew up here, that Hinesville will NEVER be the same. We are a transient town and unless Fort Stewart draws down or faces more sequestration, our taxes will continue to grow higher and we will be denied strong, moral leadership.

To Sheran: You are a truly sweet soul that can find the wherewithal to post the Wish you Were Here blog. Even after some of the dust ups we have had. Thank you. Great song, and I took it to heart.


Latest Activity: Feb 27, 2015 at 8:19 PM 

Blog has been viewed (108) times.

JimmyMackIII commented on Friday, Feb 27, 2015 at 20:26 PM
Lest I forget I thank the webmeister for his patience and fairness. My only request is to ask him to warn me when I appear to be driving things into the ditch and I swear to the Almighty I will straighten up.
Thank you,...again Pat.
Sheran commented on Friday, Feb 27, 2015 at 20:33 PM
Welcome back JM.
HMJC commented on Friday, Feb 27, 2015 at 20:35 PM
Just be who you are and don't let yourself get drawn into to a bad situation. We have not always agreed but I have always appreciated your commitment to your "side" Give em Hell Jimmy, just do so in an eloquent manner...
rendevzoustoo commented on Friday, Feb 27, 2015 at 22:00 PM
a proud liberal democrat? a liberal leftwing idiot democrat maybe ..we are all ready for the momma name calling now jmack, for that is who you can't help yourself.all you left wing idiot liberals think alike,only you take it to the next level with calling peoples mothers names and then explaining it away with something about the dozens as if that makes it all right .you are a hypocrite in every sense of the word. the typical liar, cheat or whatever is necessary to build yourself up and put everyone else and their mother down. sure makes you look like the bigger man jmack.. as far as i'm concerned you aren't anything other than whats wrong with this country today, a die hard idiot liberal,that wants everything for nothing for you and every other lazy arse person who don't want to work so the man with some money can pay for it while all you have to do is go to the mailbox to pick up the free check that someone else worked for..i imagine you support islamic extremism too like your brother al Hussein Barak. i know how that works...he's for it so you must be like santaclaus in the whitehouse too.that way you don't have to spend your money on X-mas. notice i said x-mas,i didn't want to offend all you muslim-islamic extremists such as you and barak there and your kind make me sick..i know i'll get banned but so be it..but listen...i'm still not going to call your mamma names,dozens or no dozens,whatever that idiotic nonsense is about.. ala akbar jimmy mack.....rendezvoustoo....
JimmyMackIII commented on Friday, Feb 27, 2015 at 23:20 PM
Hello David Allen, Seems you are doing the same things that got me put in time out, unwarranted name calling, disparaging my person, referring to me as a Muslim extremist. You've called me a lot of names.
You are painting yourself as one of those undereducated angry white boys. BTW what is your level of education. At least Tot, highschool dropout, bears smidgens of common sense and decency. Where is yours? I see no evidence of it.
Try to control your anger. And tonite remember this as you start to fall asleep: WE Liberals are not going anywhere and there is NOTHING you can do about it. N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!
Sweet dreams, tough guy.
PS: Busy as he is, and he is a fair man, you cannot keep doing what you are exhibiting here and remain.
Sheran commented on Saturday, Feb 28, 2015 at 00:15 AM
JM, you handled that very well...Pat yourself on the back! I"m still waiting on your point of view on other blogs! Again, Welcome Back☺
JimmyMackIII commented on Saturday, Feb 28, 2015 at 00:46 AM
Thanks Sheran. I see a fractured Republican Party in the offing. Bush-the establishment candidate and Rand Paul the Tea Party candidate in a dead heat.
Sheran commented on Saturday, Feb 28, 2015 at 01:11 AM
I'm not pulling for either one... It's to early to tell on who I will vote for! Let me guess, Don't tell me.... Your voting for "Hillary"!☺
rendevzoustoo commented on Saturday, Feb 28, 2015 at 01:21 AM
tough guy tough guy u be da tough guy..every idiotic liberal praising you still be an idiot left wing liberal biased ninny whens you wake ups in da mownin you liberal jerkoff you make me sick you idiot.. you so darn educated you got yourself are nothing you hear me you suck you be that white stuff on chicken poop...that's chicken poop too you a big man wid dem dar big 10 dollar words you wordsmith you. you got banned for what you truly are.a stupid left wing idiot liberal with nothing to offer but that idiotic jargon and racial hatred you and all those other race baiting liberal idiots on this blog site be layin' and your kind make me sick..i hope you pass out in your sleep tonite and wake up in the middle east with all those other idiotic left wing liberal islamic extremists where you actually belong. i truly loathe people like you are stupid,and when you wake up tomorrow you will still be stupid...go figure...oh by the way.. its almost the first of the month... be ready to go pick up your check that your next door conservative working man earned for your sorry arse.. you make me sick there dozens..have a nice day god bless you...oops i meant ala fn dunce
JimmyMackIII commented on Saturday, Feb 28, 2015 at 01:37 AM
I am sorry to put this on these pages. Rendevoustoo. Pat I received this message from Rendevoustoo.. I think he is on the edge. He sent it by personal message.

fuck you and your dozens you stupid left wing liberal son of a bitch.. i got your dozens swinging between my legs you fucking queer faggot leftwing liberal idiotic sonofabitch. your momma sucks dozens you faggot ass motherfucker,and i literally mean know it all know nothing can't tote my balls around like you do obamas and every other liberal minded left wing blackman you stupid fucking shit and die motherfucker..there's your dozens you fucking freaky faggot about that ..send that to the webmeister..remember i got your momma between my legs you fucking liberal idiot..suck my nuts you faggot ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha how you like all that momma talk you fucking idiot..suck my nuts little bitch ass crybaby liberal if i can't have my way i will call your momma names you fucking left wing idiot liberal bastard..while you tote obamas nuts around suck his cock you fucking his shit too mother fucker you know you be ebonic speaking mother fucking jackass.i got you dozens right here a dozen pubic hairs in your mommas mouth you fucking idiot bitch. you want something for nothing fucking leech,you worthless piece of shit.breathing up valuable air that some child rapist or someone a whole lot better than you could be breathing.. how about sucking my nuts you fucking obama look alike motherfucker,with your fucking big ass elephant ears you stupid motherfucker,all the better to hear barak cumming you fucking sit back and wordsmith on that a while you fucking know nothing fucking freak....suck my ass lol lol lol lol lol thats the language you understand isn't it? my momma yo mamma his momma her momma everybody's momma and so on....

Please do the right thing. I do not wish to engage this lunatic on the blog pages. Unless it is deemed allowable.


o sent this to me via personal message. I apologize for David Allen's language...but this is what he sent by personal message:

Sheran commented on Saturday, Feb 28, 2015 at 02:02 AM
There are other ways to report this....

timeontarget commented on Saturday, Feb 28, 2015 at 12:28 PM
There are other ways to report this....
He choose to post it here.

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