Saturday, April 11, 2015

Gink's Filthy language

Gink's Filthy language
Last comment by JimmyMackIII 43 minutes ago.

Take Me To Post Comment FormThere is filth here on this site. Go to Ginko_Biloba's site and click on his comments. I am sorry to expose anyone to this kind of "language." Many of us disagree but we don't use filthy language to accentuate our disagreements.

For the most part we all use humor, clever retorts, valid criticisms, and clean language. What Ginko is doing is downright wrong. What if we all did what he is doing?

If you visit his profile, and click on comments, prepare yourself for they are not for the faint of heart.

We are allowed to disagree here, but not like this.

It doesn't matter if you agree or vehemently disagree with my views on these pages. But this is not about my views. It is about how one frames their responses.

The way Ginko is doing it though, has no place here or anywhere else unless one is part of the prison culture.

If you wish to do something about this kind of language being utilized by Ginko_Biloba, then report him to the webmeister. If it is allowed to stand, this place will be reduced to a pigsty.

Latest Activity: Apr 11, 2015 at 12:47 PM 


Blog has been viewed (37) times.

ginko_biloba commented on Saturday, Apr 11, 2015 at 13:53 PM
this is for jmack....FUCK YOU CRYBABY BITCH
timeontarget commented on Saturday, Apr 11, 2015 at 14:10 PM
No I do not approve of the language used in comments posted under the handle of:
However I doubt that Ginko is really another individual but more likely is the creation of another blogger.
For all I know Ginko is a creation of Jimmy Darsey.
JimmyMackIII commented on Saturday, Apr 11, 2015 at 14:21 PM
Tot: Gink has wandered completely off the reservation. And sadly, you seem to be marginally infected by his comments.
I will not turn your own words against you by suggesting that Ginko is really Tot. However, your comments are indicative of a dark and devious mindset.
I know you like seeing me get ANY sort of abuse. I can take it. But Gink's language is wrong and you know it. Perhaps you should run it by your wife and get her opinion of his language.?!
JimmyMackIII commented on Saturday, Apr 11, 2015 at 15:16 PM
My wife has access to this computer. Once before when a right wing nut job started sending me personal messages of a questionable nature, I took them to Officer Joe Gilliam of HPD. He saw them and agreed there may be a veiled threat being made towards me, and that the individual may in fact be in violation of my Fourth Amendment Rights.
He paid a home visit to my 'antagonist' and the messages stopped.
Would you want this filth, regardless of whom you think is the author, coming to you on your computer?

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