Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Rolling Stone //// 5 Most Dangerous Guns???????????????????????

Seriously?  Someone got paid for this?
When someone from the anti-gun kook crowd decides to write an article titled "The 5 Most Dangerous Guns in America," you would probably expect them to list makes, models, and calibers. Obviously, the presupposition is wrong - since a gun is only as dangerous as the person holding it - but still, you assume you'd see some specifics.  ...Something pedestrian like: The "The Colt .45 1911 will knock a huge hole in your head, so it's dangerous."
However, that's not what you get with Rolling Stone magazine.  At one time this was a publication about music, but now it pretty much covers whatever constitutes the prog "cause-du-jour."  This week, they published their list of the five most dangerous guns in America.  The ex-hippie rag couldn't be bothered to do any real research on a topic it so vehemently hates, so the mag took an easier path.
Number one on their list?
1. Pistols
Popular among handgun-owners, pistols are defined by their built-in barrel and short stock.
Personally, I've never owned a pistol with a stock, but hey, I guess Rolling Stone Magazine knows something I don't.  Regardless, that's a pretty broad category, don't you think? Maybe they'll do better with number two.
2. Revolvers
Revolvers, named for their rotating chambered cylinder, placed second in the ATF's ranking of guns found at crime scenes
Uh oh.  It doesn't look like it's going to improve - and you can see where they're going with this.  We'll set aside the semantic argument about whether or not a revolver is a type of pistol, and just point out the fact that Rolling Stone has decided to list wholesale categories of guns, rather than name any specific makes or models.
The list gets worse from here on out.
3. Rifles
Law enforcement agencies pulled more than 39,000 from crime scenes in 2012, firmly establishing this weapon — designed to be fired from the shoulder — in third place
4. Shotguns
Like rifles, shotguns are fired from the shoulder and may release a single projectile. Unlike rifles, however, one pull of a shotgun's trigger may also spray the target with round pellets, or shot.
5. Derringers
Derringers, small pocket or palm-sized pistols with one or two barrels, have no strict legal definition, but are included in the ATF's trace form as a category of firearm.
Maybe Rolling Stone is worried about cowboys who cheat during frontier card games, but Derringers? Really?  Frankly, we're surprised "B.B. Gun" didn't make the list.  After all, if you have one "you'll shoot your eye out."
Essentially, this list covers almost every firearm currently sold in the United States. If you're worried about which one is the most dangerous, relax. The answer is easy.  They’re ALL the most dangerous. Clearly, we need more gun control!
As always, we would point out that no gun commits a crime on its own.  No gun has ever robbed a liquor store, no gun has ever hijacked a car, and no gun has ever decided to shoot its wife in a fit of rage.  People commit crimes.  The tool they use to commit them is largely irrelevant. No gun is inherently dangerous unless it's poorly engineered and poses a risk to the law-abiding citizen firing it.
We anxiously await Rolling Stone's list of the "top five foods that choke people" including "breads," "fruits," "meats," "sauces," and "grains."
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