Monday, March 1, 2021

Kathy Clark

Kathyren Webb and Rhonda Brant replied to your comment. Kathyren Webb February 27 at 6:40 PM · Mary Cate February 12 at 10:52 PM · Comments Rhonda Brant first I want to know who is going to pay for everyone???? · Reply · 1d Kathyren Webb Rhonda Brant the same ones who pay for billionaires to get a free ride. · Reply · 1d Rhonda Brant it seems to be you and I....and I do not like paying for anyone who does not work · Reply · 1d Kathyren Webb Rhonda Brant I would rather help a struggling single mom than a greedy, pompous billionaire. · Reply · 1d Rhonda Brant I want to know why she is a single mom first.....did her husband leave her???? Birth control is a woman is a widow or her husband left her behind then yes...otherwise no · Reply · 1d Rebecca Starr Rhonda Brant Sometimes we’re single moms because we decide we deserve better than how we’re being treated. And we work our a$$es off to provide. Sometimes we stay single mom’s because we can’t find or don’t want a partner because bringing new people in… See More · Reply · 23h · Edited Carol Bargeron George Rebecca Starr well said. It's no longer the 1950's where a woman has justify leaving a marriage. It's no one's business to judge · Reply · 20h Rodney Leeann Messer Greer Rhonda Brant amen!!!! · Reply · 18h Linda Stotz Rhonda Brant how about that struggling homeless vet who gave up his health for your freedom? · Reply · 18h Rhonda Brant A vet deserves all that the we can give them....I am not judging anyone just don't want to pay for them if they are able to work and having multiple children w/o a husband does not qualify them for my don't judge me either · Reply · 14h Rebecca Starr Rhonda Brant you are judging. I have 3 girls and I’m a single mother. Not that I owe a single person an explanation, after 13 years, I recognized that I deserved better for myself and my children. Are you implying that my life and the lives of my child… See More · Reply · 12h · Edited Write a reply… Fran Sikes North How does access to health care relate to your wealth? I pay for my health care. · Reply · 1d Rebecca Starr Fran Sikes North The ability to pay for healthcare is definitely related to wealth. Imagine having to choose which bill or bills have to be juggled just so you can afford the premiums.... Nevermind the copays, deductibles and meds.... Healthcare is a p… See More · Reply · 23h Fran Sikes North Rebecca Starr I like the ability to go to any doctor and hospital I chose. I don't care about that rich are rich. What I have I worked for all my life. · Reply · 21h Rebecca Starr Fran Sikes North that’s great! You asked how access to healthcare related to wealth... I answered. Not everyone who works hard has access to healthcare without struggling financially to keep or get it. The problem with most of the responses I see here… See More · Reply · 21h · Edited Sharyl Eastlake Fran Sikes North, I agree! · Reply · 17h Fran Sikes North Sharyl Eastlake thank you! · Reply · 17h Jimmy Smith Fran Sikes North I agree with you. · Reply · 14h Write a reply… Pat Farace Exactly the same promises made by the National Socialists (Nazis) to Germany and the socialists to Venezuela. How did that work out? · Reply · 23h Kathyren Webb Pat Farace white supremacists taking over the Capitol - oh wait, that was Trump. · Reply · 21h · Edited Rodney Leeann Messer Greer The problem with “helping” single moms, and anyone else for that matter, is that it should be on a short term basis! There should be a time limit and drug test given! People are making welfare a career! I remember times when my husband and I worked an… See More · Reply · 18h Linda Stotz Rodney Leeann Messer Greer judge much? · Reply · 18h Rodney Leeann Messer Greer Linda Stotz I’m stating facts. Not opinions. There was a time 25 years ago that I needed help! I had one child and was 8 months pregnant with my second and my husband at the time had lost his job (he didn’t have a high school diploma or his GED, so th… See More · Reply · 18h Sharyl Eastlake Hum? Everyone does have access to the fore mentioned. · Reply · 17h Olivia Cooke I must have missed the lesson in Sunday school where Jesus taught us to cut off the undeserving and to be envious of what other people have in their basket. · Reply · 12h Rodney Leeann Messer Greer Olivia Cooke we could each find scriptures to back our our own opinions, but here is one that I liked. I’ve spent many nights on my knees (begging God to lead me to the right decisions concerning friends/family) and I can promise you that HE does not w… See More · Reply · 11h Rodney Leeann Messer Greer Olivia Cooke May be an image of text · Reply · 11h Jimmy Smith You want Communism??????/ · Reply · 12h Kathyren Webb Jimmy Smith just keep listening to QAnon · Reply · 8h Write a reply… Jimmy Smith This is advocating Marxism/Communism commonly referred to as Socialism/Progressiveness. · Reply · 11h Kathyren Webb Jimmy Smith hmmm like Social Security or FDIC or ..... · Reply · 8h Jimmy Smith Kathyren Webb Me and employers paid every dime of my social security not one cent of government money has ever gone into workers social security. Government employees are the ones being paid by government funds. You Kathy have it backwards.

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