Saturday, July 7, 2018

Liberals becoming unhinged. Save for the record

All EPA Directors take one step forward.
Not so fast Pruitt.
Beth Stallings Odom
· Reply · 1d
Vic Waters
Vic Waters One can only hope.
· Reply · 1d
Jerry Turner
Jerry Turner Vic please take it easy your going to have a stroke you can’t fix and neither can I , but now you know how we felt when pos obama was there
· Reply · 1d
Vic Waters
Vic Waters Tell me one thing that Obama did to disrupt your life Jerry.
· Reply · 7h
Ken Doran
Ken Doran Vic Waters tell me one thing that trump did to disrupt your life
· Reply · 6h
Vic Waters
Vic Waters Ken Doran he cost me friends that I’ve had for ever because I see how they really think. He’s setting back race relations back farther than OJ Simpson. He’s implementing a trade war that’s going to make it damn near impossible to eat healthy. I’m glad I like Ramen Noodles. He’s got the gas prices outrageous. I only burn marine grade in my motorcycle and my boat, (thanks to you) and it cost 3.40 a gallon. He makes me cuss the television every time he’s on. He’s the most untruthful human being ever born. He surrounds himself with ‘yes men’ who kiss his ass until they’re backed into a corner and are forced to quit.. and he’s pissed off everybody in the free world with his crudeness and lack of civil demeanor. Except Vladimir of course.who by the way is playing him like a fiddle. I could go on and on but there’s not enough gigs on my computer to list all the shit he’s done to disrupt my life. How do you like the fact that Harley is jumping ship?
· Reply · 5h
Kevin Turner
Kevin Turner Race riots started under obama, who called a guy with Jewish family a Nazi, peddled the racist lie about trump seeking support of David duke, who is financially bankrupt and couldn’t fill a two car garage full of his supporters! You can eat healthy jus...See More
· Reply · 5h
Ken Doran
Ken Doran Vic Waters Harley jumping ship had been planed for 2 years,it was to make the newer smaller Harley 500 and 750
· Reply · 4h
Ken Doran
Ken Doran Vic Waters sounds like you had some thin skinned friends
· Reply · 4h
Jessica Holloway
Jessica Holloway amen!! Too bad he wasn’t aborted!!
· Reply · 2h
Vic Waters
Vic Waters Kevin Turner gas is sixty five cents higher than it was this time last year. And your t shirts have gone up to where I now have to buy them at Goodwill.
· Reply · 1h
Vic Waters
Vic Waters Ken Doran well there’s that to be considered.
· Reply · 1h
David Pirkle
David Pirkle gas is not regulated by the the president , its by big oil lmao
· Reply · 1h
Vic Waters
Vic Waters David Pirkle that’s his old buddy Rex Tillerson. Peas in a pod. Go outside Pirkle, you need some fresh air.
· Reply · 1h
David Pirkle
David Pirkle Vic Waters seems to me you need too lmfao
· Reply · 1h
David Pirkle
David Pirkle i'm not the one spewing this bs on here ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
· Reply · 1h
Donovan Morris
Donovan Morris William Spell I’m beginning to just think that’s theirs a bunch of trolls on here just messing with people.
· Reply · 1m
John Wetzel
John Wetzel think we know who-all might need to take it easy - -
· Reply · 1d
Wynelle Dunham Welsh
Wynelle Dunham Welsh Hoot! Yes, DeVos needs to be expelled.
· Reply · 19h

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