The Average Legal Pot User Spends $647 a Year on Weed
With users of all ages, bud is more popular than edibles.
lax marijuana legislation may be cheered loudest in college dorms, but
it's the professor-aged ganja enthusiasts who are the average consumers
of the legal stuff.
Headset Inc., a cannabis intelligence firm, reviewed about 40,000 legal marijuana purchases made in Washington State from September 2014 to July 2016. The Seattle-based company determined that the average recreational weed consumer is a 37-year-old man who buys traditional marijuana buds. The median spend by this customer was $647 annually, with an average of 19.5 days between purchases.
Though 37 is the average age of a consumer, millennials make the bulk of such purchases. Just over 50 percent of recreational marijuana consumers are aged 21-34, Headset found. Older generations are unlikely to stop at the legal dispensary: Fewer than 10 percent of the purchases reviewed in this report were made by those older than 60.
Headset Inc., a cannabis intelligence firm, reviewed about 40,000 legal marijuana purchases made in Washington State from September 2014 to July 2016. The Seattle-based company determined that the average recreational weed consumer is a 37-year-old man who buys traditional marijuana buds. The median spend by this customer was $647 annually, with an average of 19.5 days between purchases.
Though 37 is the average age of a consumer, millennials make the bulk of such purchases. Just over 50 percent of recreational marijuana consumers are aged 21-34, Headset found. Older generations are unlikely to stop at the legal dispensary: Fewer than 10 percent of the purchases reviewed in this report were made by those older than 60.
The type of marijuana that consumers are looking for doesn't vary much with age. Bud is most popular across the board, followed by pre-rolled joints, vapor pens, and edible products (such as brownies) infused with marijuana.
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