Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Living And Dying Under Radical Islam

Living And Dying Under Radical Islam

June 11, 2014 by  
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Living And Dying Under Radical Islam

We are no longer taking the fight to the radical Islam. They are taking it to us and kicking our butt. Worst of all, they are doing it right in our living rooms in front of our children and grandchildren. But peace-loving and turn-the-other-cheek liberals are providing aid and comfort to the enemy. And if what I have to say offends you, too damn bad. I am living in a city that puts on display some Muslim radicals; and if you don’t believe me, you have not been to my neck of the woods.
The balcony from where I write to you each week faces downtown Calgary, Canada, home to one of the largest Islamic populations in North America. It is also home to a growing breed of militant terrorists who day upon day are being radicalized within a city that used to be known as “Cowtown” because of Western pioneer values. Yet in the heart of cattle country, the Eastern influence has surged over the past decade. It is impossible to leave one’s door and not pass Muslims. Their ranks are growing annually, and their radical membership can only be estimated.
As many as 100,000 Muslims live in Calgary, home to North America’s largest mosque — not seven miles from my door. Most are peaceful, good people. But there is a minority of radicals whose medieval beliefs are focused on the necessary jihad.
Take one of my friend’s former associates, a respected business analyst in Calgary until his career was derailed by his Iraq suicide bomb attack last year. He was Salman Ashrafi, and he was a regular in the downtown oil patch. But he blew himself to bits in November with a car bomb. The good news is that he didn’t blow up a major downtown tower in Calgary. The bad news is that another friend, who works for Canadian intelligence, tells me there are dozens just like him right here in the city I was born.
As I type these words and look to the streets below, I wonder how many women wearing burkas who pass are mothers and sisters to an evil segment of Islam planning another 9/11.
I would write my mayor, Naheed Nenshi; but he is the chief apologist for Islam in this city of more than 1 million people. It won’t be long, though, with the growing demographics until there are more. For example, in Calgary so huge is the Muslim cab drivers’ community that during major events in the city they are provided large arenas downtown to participate in their daily prayers. Every courtesy and convenience is laid out to Calgary’s Muslim surging population, although quite the opposite is reciprocated in draconian Islamic countries that ban Christian churches and jail people who wear so much as a small crucifix. It is ironic, but the saying “when in Rome…” applies only to Westerners and not Muslims.
The population is shifting to where Muslims worldwide are dominating maternity wards and voting booths, while Christian influences are reduced. Iraq is a good illustration and a reminder of how destructive neoconservative policies in Washington are to democratic values over the long term.
Consider Iraq. Since 1991 and the Gulf War, the number of Christians in the country have fallen from of 1.5 million to 400,000, tops. The Mideast is falling into the hands of jihadists who are prosecuting a holy war against Western societies. The remedy for this, believe liberals, is complete submission. To do otherwise, goes the dogma, is to be racist.
Imagine if Western Europe and North America had reacted to the Reds this way before Josef Stalin’s death in 1953. Communists would be the ruling governments from Moscow to London. That didn’t happen in part because of the leadership of Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower, who represented separate political parties but were united in their opposition to communists.
Yet under President Barack Obama, quite the opposite is true. There is no Western leader who is more of an apologist, more of an adherent to Islam, than the current President. It is this evil and yet vague destruction of America from within by this White House that makes so many long for his impeachment. Yet it has been the very slippery nature of the Obama Administration’s conduct to Islam that makes it almost impossible to imagine Obama’s departure until he is forced out by the 22nd Amendment.
Yet Obama has plenty of help, and Christian apologists’ watch their ranks grow even as it becomes plain that some in Islam plan for global domination. Crazy to believe, you say? Not according to imam Jamal Hammoud — “senior imam” of the Calgary Muslim community — who states to his faithful:
We have reason to get together and to love each other and to go paint and to paint our future especially in a country like this [Canada] as minority. Muslims are minority in this country [Canada] and Allah Willing in the future they will be, Allah Willing majority. So far we are minority, so when we get together this is kind of jihad in a way.
Don’t fool yourself; Canada is not unique. Inside two generations, it is possible that Islam will be deciding U.S. elections.

Churchill’s Black Dog

Winston Churchill used to call his depressive moods his “black dog.” He saw another dog in the word as well, and it was Islam. Great Britain used to be the vanguard protecting Western ideals and liberal democratic ideals. That empire, unlike America under Obama, had no illusions as to Islam’s global goals. Churchill said:
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
Looking back, progressives disdain Churchill for such language, which they call racist. In 50 years, how will America look back at Obama’s leadership and the prone position he has put us in rather than facing up to this global black dog?
Yours in good times and bad,
–John Myers

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