Friday, September 25, 2020

Military Coup. Former JAG Officer Richard Black Warns of a Potential Military Coup YOUTUBE.COM Former JAG Officer Richard Black Warns of a Potential Military Coup LaRouchePAC's 2020 Terms of Battle for the November Election: In this extremely imp... Comments F Barry Wilkes Wow! This is alarming—in many ways. · Reply · 1h Jimmy Smith Barry we just might be witness to the beginning of the end for our Republic. God help us. · Reply · 1h Cyndi Pierce-Markowitz Jimmy Smith I’ve heard this through another source for months. There supposedly IS an internal fight going on within the military . (Trump Knows )A faction in concert with key Democratic ( DS) players. They are trying to establish something to have in place. I think from what I’ve heard they are going to be ready IF Trump wins ( which they think he won’t ) thus why Biden is not really even campaigning . They think he’s fixed to win. No idea how. The Ginsberg situation blew a HUGE hole in the plan, though . Totally unexpected . I do know and have been warned that things are going to get really bad for the President and it will look like all hope is lost . But to hang in because the truth will prevail. The Durham Report is a portion of this as well. We will hear about the report but not nearly all of it initially . The left is existing on a house of cards , they’ve built over 20 years and Trump came in and blew it to hell . Trump knows all of this ( Everything ) he has always known and been way ahead of it. Just hang on to your britches , it IS going to get scary . There are reasons that these riots have not been taken on by the admin as well . That’s what I have heard for last 3 months . I also heard back in April that the streets would be in civil unrest due to something orchestrated . I did not believe it . But it happened . So I have to believe the things I hear now ... FB May delete this btw...