Monday, December 30, 2019

Tommy's letter to Old Lions.

Dec 29, 2019

Dear Lions,
    Another year has passed and it saddens me that we lost Tommy Downs and Joe Underwood this past year. Each year the number of old lions is reduced, making the reunions that much more important.
    I would like to once again thank the class of "69" for selecting me Grand Lion of 2019. I still feel this honor should have gone to someone else, namely Clifford Johnson. Mr and Mrs Johnson will always be Mr and Mrs Bradwell Institute. Also Barbara Martin will always be our Homecoming Queen. All three have given so much to Bradwell through the years.
   It has also been great to see people that I thought I would never see again. Gail Leveritt, Dave McCoy, Butch Beaver, Dennis and Kathy Duke, Jimmy Moore, Karl Brimmer and Angie Wells just to name a few.
    I can only say "I love you", you have brightened my life. Thank you.
    The student body of Bradwell has produced many Educators, Military Service Men, Police Officers, Public Servants and Business People but most of all Family People who I am sure have become wonderful Parents and Grandparents. I hope all of you have a wonderful year.
    I would like to thank Bonnie Brett, Jan and Beverly Beard and Julie Browning Martin for the new items to the Lions Den. And continued thanks to Kenny Fussell, Clay Sikes, Rodney Riley, the Williamson family, Angie Clark and all those who have contributed to this project.
   May the God of Love be with you all forever.
Tommy Davis