Friday, June 21, 2019

Impeachment 101.

Subject:Presidential Impeachment

EXTRAORDINARILY INFORMATIVE – What every American should know........

ONE MAN'S OPINION – The writer  has a degree in Political Science, and is a card-carrying Libertarian. 

I’ve been studying politics and political history for the past 30 years. My specialty is U.S. Presidents. That said, I hope that the House of 
Representatives impeaches Trump.

Let me tell you what will happen next.

1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the Republicans, and refer to the Senate for trial.

2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, 
to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.

3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President's attorneys will have the right to subpoena 
and question ANYONE THAT THEY WANT.. That is different than the special counsel investigation, which was very one-sided. So, during the 
impeachment trial, we will be hearing testimony from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazille, Eric 
Holder, Loretta Lynch, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a whole host of other participants in this whole 
sordid affair and the ensuing coverup activities. 

A lot of dirt will be dug up; a lot of truth will be unveiled. Finger pointing will occur. Deals will start being made, and suddenly, a lot 
of Democrats will start being charged and going to prison. All this, because, remember, the President's team will now, for the first time, 
have the RIGHT to question all of these people under oath - and they will turn on each other. That’s already starting.

4. Lastly, one more thing will happen – the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump. Most Americans are clueless 
about political processes, the law, and the Constitution. Most Americans believe that being impeached results in removal from office. They 
don't understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction. Remember, the Senate is controlled by 
Republicans; they will determine what testimony is allowed -- and **everything** will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton 
campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and destruction of emails that very likely 
included incriminating information. They’ll incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump 
campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especially George Soros. 

After the Senate declines to convict the President, we will have an election, and Trump will win. It will be a backlash against democrat 
petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty. Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that 
democrats have spent 2+ years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago , 
homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people. And, we will spend the following four years listening to 
politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged somehow.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Youmens Bird Pond

Does anyone knows who owns/maintains Youmens birding pond?
  • Dennis C Bazemore Liberty Co, I think
  • Timothy Barrett I was told the county maintains it as far as the walking bridge goes and if trees are down. I'd be interested in a clean up or build if needed
  • Nancy Maier This pond was given to the county by my Uncle Hoke Youmans. His cattle used to feed in it, thus keeping the lilly growth to a minimum. Needs a lot of work!
  • John Kimker Sounds like it needs some cows....
  • John Henderson I contacted the county and sent them some photos showing some work that needs to be done as a minimum. I was told that a work order has been submitted on it. I think this would be be a good project for volunteers to assist the county in making it a birding area. There was a sign identifying it but it is no longer there.
  • Lisa Puckett-Wright My husband and I would like to clean it up and do some repairs, mow etc. I guess no one would mind?
    • John Henderson I would contact the County Administrator (876-2164) before doing any work Lisa about liability issues. Maybe the county would appreciate some volunteer help or make it a project?
  • Lisa Puckett-Wright Saw a birding club from Atlanta there awhile back. I
  • Robin Boyett John is this what I refer to as the gator pond?
  • Robin Boyett I love this place!! I would be willing to help in some way.
    • Lisa Puckett-Wright Robin BoyettWhen it cools off a little we are going over there and blow, trim and mow...maybe replace the bad boards on the deck. Now that I know no one will mind .
  • Sheri Hyde First place I ever fished! Mama use to take us there.
  • Nancy Maier I will also help IN THE WINTER!!!
  • Timothy Barrett We should make this a Colonels island thing since soo many want to help I'm sure County would be happy to have the help. I know they are short handed. I saw the # in 1 of the posts is there a name at the County office that we could reach out to? Does any body know
  • John Woods It was donated to Liberty Co. , by my father John Woods .
  • John Woods Maintenance is definitely needed , thanks for the interest . It is a beautiful rookery , one of the treasures of the coast .
    • John Henderson Yes, it is John. Too bad the County doesn't value it more--it just seems to be a liability to them.Youmans Bird Pond is mentioned as a primary site for certain coastal birds in Birds of Georgia by Dr. John W. Parrish,Jr,Giff Beaton and Gregory Kennedy. Many Birding Clubs used to visit it pretty often.
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