Monday, September 17, 2018

Tom Zoellner post on Facebook.

Tom Zoellner commented on this.
If you teach in a university, please consider taking a few (nonpartisan) moments in class this week to directly ask your students where they are registered to vote and what their plans are for casting a ballot on November 6th. Come armed with the URL of the Secretary of State's registration portal to write on the board.
Far too many students are under the mistaken impression that they aren't allowed to vote in their university towns because they're registered back where their parents live. And a dismaying number of them have made no plans to vote by mail. So they sit out the midterms through delay and inertia. Get 'em signed up.
Robrt Pela
Robrt Pela Thank you
· Reply · 5h
Erin Rockhill Brown
Erin Rockhill Brown Thank you, Tom.
· Reply · 5h
Josh Masur
Josh Masur Is the House race contested at your school, Tom?
· Reply · 4h
Tom Zoellner
Tom Zoellner It is not, but it is adjacent to two competitive districts where some students live. Even voting for an incumbent certain to win is a helpful act -- it boosts the power of that precinct and makes challengers pay attention, as well as the regional players.
· Reply · 4h
Josh Masur
Josh Masur Asking as a parent of a student who just turned 18 and needs to decide where to register. ;-)
· Reply · 3h
Amy Silverman
Amy Silverman It’s true. Thank you.
· Reply · 4h
Allison Engel
Allison Engel My husband, a friend and I were registering students at Iowa State last week, and a depressing number of students said they were not voting and had no interest. Two were unaware there was an election in November. We need an all-hands-on-deck effort.
· Reply · 3h
Ian Barnard
Ian Barnard sharing with my students today!
· Reply · 3h
Suzanne O'Malley
Suzanne O'Malley Great idea, Tom! Registering to vote is not a self-explanatory process. I begin the conversation by asking: “Are you a voter?” Not every state has online registration, but pick the URL that takes the student closest to the voter registration page.
· Reply · 3h
Gc Cunningham
Gc Cunningham Being a teacher at a UC, my approach is to first politely ask the students if they are leaning Republican, and if so, to please stand up and explain to class why they are voting against their own economic interests. Not surprisingly, they do a very ineSee More
· Reply · 2h · Edited
Tom Zoellner
Tom Zoellner Nah, I wouldn't do that.
· Reply · 2h
Tom Zoellner
Tom Zoellner (I realize you're joking, FYI)
· Reply · 2h
Amy Snider Senk
Amy Snider Senk In 2016, my son registered in Ohio and voted and later he got a letter saying the vote didn’t count because there was some “error.” It seemed shady but what do I know?
· Reply · 2h
JCarson Black
JCarson Black we NEED Them!
· Reply · 1h
Dylan Smith
Susan Solomon
Wow. This is really something—I’m choked up as I type this post. The Big Ten is holding a #BigTenVoteChallenge, pitting universities against each other in a fri...
See More
· Reply · 1h
Bob Grossfeld
· Reply · 1h