Thursday, May 25, 2017

Susan's Facebook Farewell

No more face book for this old war horse. I have had all the anger, hate and cruelty that is allowed into my life. If people have the right to shout and rant and rave because they did not get what they wanted, I have the right to keep it outside my door. I love my friends on face book and you are the ones that have brightened my days and will be missed. My PawPaw taught me that if something is really wrong, work with all your might to fix it. Standing in the corner and screaming that you feelings are hurt and that makes you unhappy does not fix anything. Making ugly wise cracks and hateful, hurtful remarks about someone or something you know nothing about does not fix anything. My politics and belief system are mine, your politics and belief system are yours. I am always amazed that you think screaming in my face will change that. Ok, I am off my soap box. As my beautiful, intelligent oldest son would say, "Wishing you peace, love and dope. Mostly dope". Signing off