Saturday, March 19, 2016

Jimmy Darsey's race baiting blog.

JimmyMackIII's Blog
Run Ben Run
Last comment by timeontarget 0 minutes ago.

Take Me To Post Comment Form Regarding Dr. Ben, like I said, he is a likable guy but he didn't have a snowball's chance in Hades in getting the GOP nomination. Only a political novice and those not schooled in the Blood Sport of Politics believed in him. Good surgical hands. Bad political candidate. Now all you believers in Dr. Ben have is a foul mouthed bully and maybe an uncompromising tyrant wannabe to choose from. And guess what: neither filthy Trump or uncompromising Cruz can beat Hillary OR Bernie.

Conservative GOP'ers just DON'T GET IT! And because they don't get it, they are in position to lose for the sixth time in the last 7 elections the popular vote of the nation.

Predominantly White Anglo Saxon Protestant Conservatives are literally a dying breed of the body politic. In a little over 20 years WASP Conservatives will be a MINORITY in America. And I understand their fears. In their minds they are frightened that when they become the next minority the NEW MAJORITY will treat them as THEY despicably treated ALL minorities preceding their new status.

Conservatives with their historically locked-in goose stepping march of stomping blacks, women, Latinos, Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, the transgendered, and ANYONE who didn't buy into their false pipe dream of exclusionary predominantly White privilege that fostered hate, glass ceilings, fences, fire hoses trained on humans, separate but equal education, the words 'queer, dyke and ni**er, created that soul destroying snake eating buzzard that will soon be on THEIR doorstep. No wonder they are praying for a white bully boy like Trump to save them from their fate.

And to that, and hopefully the death of that brand of Conservatism they ruthlessly employed I can only say: HEAR HEAR, may they never come to power again.

BTW: The Good DOCTOR will again demonstrate his political naivete by endorsing the Bully on the block.

How sweet it is. Run Ben political obscurity.

Latest Activity: Mar 10, 2016 at 6:32 PM


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Sheran commented on Thursday, Mar 10, 2016 at 18:56 PM
Welcome back Jimmy. ☺ This Trump supporter will get back with ya later! On call this evening.
MikeLongCounty commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 11:38 AM
Well, well JimmyMackIII it's good to see you jumped right back into the fire. Let me see if I can get your blood flowing a bit. Hmmmm, where to start on your piece. Maybe at the first paragraph. I do not believe Trump can beat Clinton, but I won't say that a Trump/Carson ticket can't beat a Clinton/Anybody ticket. Regrettably voters in my own party don't see that Rubio will beat Clinton, and Cruz probably will beat Clinton. As for Sanders, well let's not even talk about that draft-dodging, druggie, who has never even had a real job. I will say that once this is over, I believe Sanders would look real good standing in the doors of our Walmart as a greeter...he just seems to fit.
Second paragraph, the GOP not getting the popular vote in the presidential election. Once again I will agree with you. With the decline of Christian values in our society and the decline in quality education. The vast majority of people in our country accept immorality as the norm and how shall I put it nicely... are lacking in wisdom, and oh lest I forget wanting a handout. So you are right, most people will probably vote Democrat in the presidential election.
Paragraphs three and four I will shorten to what you really mean. Summary...all the evils of the world are "white guys" fault and of course George W. Bush, because we know he is even worse than the anti-christ himself. Well you are wrong here. Whether you want to admit it or not, it was predominantly "white guys" and for that matter white Christian males that built this country into the greatest country in the world. But with historic bullets like the court taking God out of schools, LBJ's 'Great Society', the anti-establishment pot-smoking anti-USA generation of the late 60's infesting colleges as professors (instead of fighting for their country), allowing abortion as birth control, condoning and encouraging boys to dress up as girls (and vise-versa), attempting to accept perversion as the norm, and politicians attempting to take guns from Americans...and all of this being done incrementally we have allowed our once great country to be a cesspool where a socialist like Bernie Sanders can actually be a viable candidate for the White House. And for all of these reasons, is why the "white bully boy" as you call Trump is stirring voters into a frenzy.
Summary...I once again agree with you that Conservatism will never rise to the level of power that it did under the great President Ronald Reagan. But the reason for that is...see paragraph two lack of Godly values and ignorance.
JimmyMackIII commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 17:53 PM
We will just have to wait and see who will be the next POTUS, won't we Mike?
Regarding Jesus: this country was NOT founded on Ruling from the pulpit nor a throne. Quite the opposite really. It was founded based on Religious LIBERTY and the rule of LAW, NOT SCRIPTURE. I don't for a nano second believe God is a CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN nor is he a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT, LIBERTARIAN or any other political policy. The GOP loves to play the Jesus card and I find it very hypocritical that TRUMP 'has garnered the Evangelical vote.' Essentially they are endorsing a rabble rousing, violence inciting, filthy talking rich business man totally lacking in Christian scruples in my opinion. You can look in the Good Book to find for yourself that "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then it is for a rich man to obtain the Kingdom of God."
I am a baptized Liberal Democrat Mike, and I never utilize my Lord and Savior to justify my political beliefs. I may flash His words to refute Conservative's claims regarding Him from time to time. After all did not Jesus say "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's." That statement 'could be' construed as an endorsement for Government, could it not?
The church is the place to implant spiritual values not in the Halls of Congress, the Senate, or the Oval Office.
I will concede that Christianity 'should' INFLUENCE political postures but I for one am not aware of where it says those words. Maybe you can enlighten me.
I will only add that IMHO Conservative Pentacostal uneducated snake handling judgmental Evangelicals like Jerry Falwell's son is the proven home of ignorance regarding governance. Where are Mr. Falwell's Christian Values???
The United State Government's priority is to legislate, not proselytize. Radical Islam is in the business of proselytization. Perhaps you are familiar with their methods of conversion regarding their Religious Values.
One last thing, my Conservative Brother in Advocacy, the Fire Department is Socialist, The Post Office is socialist, public schools are socialist, the Law Enforcement Offices are socialist in their functioning in performing their duties are they not? Does not the Fire Dept. respond to a burning double wide the same way it responds to a burning Condo, Townhouse, or a residential home??
The World is changing Mike. Most everybody is changing except Conservatives. Let the Government Rule and let the Churches preach Spirituality.
Sheran commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 19:17 PM
Paul Harvey has rolled over in his grave.
up2sumptin commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 19:33 PM
Sheran commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 19:46 PM
Both political parties have caused this mess. We the people are just as guilty for voting for the one that gave us false promises to defeat the only person telling us the truth. Truth be told, if you work hard you get your rewards, if your lazy with your hand out you deserve what you get, which should equal nothing. Jesus Christ tried to please them all and they killed him. Thank about it.
MikeLongCounty commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 20:17 PM
You're right JimmyMackIII in regards to the POTUS we'll just have to wait and see. As I've stated before I'm no fan of Trump, haven't really been a fan of any of the GOP guys since Mike Huckabee got out of the race, but as you already know, any GOP candidate is my choice over the other two candidates.
As for not bringing faith into the political realm, I vehemently disagree. It is time for Christians to have a righteous anger and get more involved in politics than ever before. Christians having the "hands off" approach is one of the primary reasons this country is in the mess it's in today.
And as for the agencies you are talking about meaning that we are a socialist country...well my good friend, no I don't agree with you on this. It is necessary for Uncle Sam to provide some of the needs of our country for us. And for this reason taxation with representation is necessary too. But not to the extreme it has became, and not no where near where Sanders, wants to take us. So Buddy, as always we will just have to disagree and still remain respectful of the other.
MikeLongCounty commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 20:22 PM
Sheran I will agree, the only perfect person, and the religious leaders of the time had Him killed. That is a sad but true statement. But it is also a true statement, that no one "had Him killed" because He laid down His life voluntarily, and anything but Him dying, for our sins, would have been out of His Father's will...think about that too.
MikeLongCounty commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 20:33 PM
Sheran, I agree Paul Harvey, President Ronald Reagan, George Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, Patten, my father John Riddle, and a lot more dead Americans are all rolling over in their graves.
MikeLongCounty commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 20:35 PM
Up2sumtin I never have seen that show, but the clip was very similar to mine and JimmyMackIII's relationship. We go back along way. We disagree a lot, but both agree on having respect for each other and being friends.
Funkentelecky commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 21:15 PM
First of all Jimmy Doctor Benjamin Solomon Carson isn't naïve at all; however your opinionated statements about him and conservatives who drafted him begged and pleaded that he run for office beginning with the 2013 prayer breakfast and culminating in the National Draft Ben Carson committee chaired by John Philip Sousa IV which procured over 500,000 signatures to him personally to run for president. Your statements and stance upon this is a classic example of exclusionary behavior that has been rampant and consistent within the DEMOCRAT party for over 2 centuries. You blame conservatives and white people for the ills America with total disregard for the fact that a conservative hasn't been in charge of any branch of separate government recently in America since Ronald Wilson Reagan of the Executive branch from 1981-1988 and Newt Gingrich from 1994-1999. In between all of that mess we've had progressive Republicans and mostly Progressive Democrats destroying the fabric of the intent of a free nation of "We the people" which Donald John Trump and now Benjamin Solomon Carson represent. I found that it was the Republicans who were responsible for the abolition of slavery and for the passage of the Civil Rights. Al Gore's father filibustered the bill and now you are attempting to bare false witness against the Republicans for autrosaties that the Democrat party inflicted upon the American people.
MikeLongCounty commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 21:31 PM
Hear, Hear Funkentelecky!!!
Funkentelecky commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 21:34 PM
...and even though its my personal experience I feel and believe what I feel and believe has more weight than yours because I grew up poor in the 60's with 11 siblings sleeping 3 to a bed, no running hot water, bathing from a metal tub or pan, with a metal water pump on the back porch and an outhouse in the back yard. Going to church at my Grandmothers house at first until my Aunt Melissa a preacher could afford her own church. helping mother kill chickens to eat and planting a garden in the spring for plenty of vegetables in the late summer and early fall. This is the life of black conservatives who voted for Democrats with John F. Kennedy as our Knight in shining armor who today because of his idealogy would be a REPUBLICAN. Whatever happened to" Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"? The insurgency to "Make America Great Again" ...and Greater than its ever been before has been initiated with record Republican turnouts and record low Democrat turnouts. Trump has put states like Michigan, New York, New Jersey and maybe even California back into play because he knows how to make deals a professional businessman, He made deals with Democrats and Republicans, did you miss the memo and isn't this what you say you really want?
Funkentelecky commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 21:52 PM
...and lastly don't call people like me who supported Ben Carson naïve when even though you ended up being right about Carson while you were wrong about Jeb Bush. I respect you very much because you are a successful American however no one has a lock on politics and in the end I'd rather have a non-establishment candidate in charge because the status quo hasn't worked.
And Jimmy you're smart and mean well I assume, but in my opinion you don't really get what makes this country great with this statement, your own words from your last post.
The World is changing Mike. Most everybody is changing except Conservatives. Let the Government Rule and let the Churches preach Spirituality.
We the people should rule along with our spirituality and the government should adhere to our will.
Funkentelecky commented on Friday, Mar 11, 2016 at 23:24 PM
...said Windell a true rule of law and constitutional American. Goodnight and Goid mornining to you sir!
JimmyMackIII commented on Saturday, Mar 12, 2016 at 13:21 PM
Nice to be back y'all.
Mike is right about Jesus and God's plan and our mutual relationship.
Funk is right that I DID MISS the call on Bush. And I too respect him very much.
UP2: thanks for the clip. I second Mike's interpretation of it.
Sheran: you always add interesting commentary.
However, I REJECT all the Conservative Propaganda written in the posts above.
However, since it seems most of y'all are still 'Trumpsters', I will prepare myself for his Inauguration by practicing my Evangelical endorsement of him by dropping many CHRISTIAN F-BOMBS and encouraging people to slam elbows into the faces of a certain 'type' of people.
And finally, I will get my grand-pa's old fiddle out of the attic and practice playing it in order to be ready to properly play it when the GOP completes it's self destruction.
I will be practicing the Tune: HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN. Perhaps you've heard it played before.?!?
JimmyMackIII commented on Saturday, Mar 12, 2016 at 13:57 PM
And Funk, my friend, IT is not ALL White peoples fault here, though they have been the ones running things from BOTH SIDES of the aisle throughout American history. It is a fact tho that there are some people of color who allow themselves to be used as window dressing by the GOP for personal gain, self hate, delusionary thinking, or they HONESTLY DO BELIEVE IN THE GOP CREED! The latter of which I continue to be astoundingly amazed and fascinated by.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
JimmyMackIII commented on Saturday, Mar 12, 2016 at 18:33 PM
And since we are talking RACE here a little bit...what is being indirectly said about the vast majority of Black people who inevitably vote DEMOCRAT 80 to 85% of the time? Just exactly WHY is that? Is it a mass indictment of their politically impaired intellectual ability? Is it an indictment of their misconstrued values? Is it an indictment that they would rather have a free phone in order to compromise their voting integrity? Is it correct to say that 80-85% of Blacks are of 'The Plantation' mentality? WHY do Blacks vote DEMOCRAT in an overwhelming majority especially on the National level??? What does this mean regarding Black folks?
As you TRUMPSTERS know, I am a white boy who has been drinking the kool aid for a long time now, so I am not capable of answering these questions. I am an impaired Liberal Democrat.
Any of you Conservatives wish to give it a go?? Given y'all's Conservative justifications above for your political creed, what is wrong with all these Democratic voting Black folks?? What is it they know or don't know about Conservative Republicanism that I am missing? Have they all been duped into selling their souls to the Democratic Liberal Devils??
Or are they just blessed with a special innate ability to know a snake oil salesman when they see one?
Sheran commented on Saturday, Mar 12, 2016 at 19:39 PM
That's a loaded question!
Funkentelecky commented on Saturday, Mar 12, 2016 at 20:57 PM
Ok Jimmy let me address the snake oil salesman, I call him the Master Snake Oil Salesman because he garnered 90-95% of the black folks vote and what did they get in return for their vote in 8 years?
1.95M Americans out of the workforce under Obama
2.40M Americans on food stamps under Obama
3.50M Americans in poverty under Obama
4.Median income down in last 8 years under Obama
5.He will leave office accumulating more debt than all 43 presidents before him combined
6.The federal government received 1.25T of revenue in the last 5 months and still had a 353B deficit during that same timeframe.
And here's the Greatest Reverse Master Snake Oil Pitch of the 21st Century by me courtesy of the Master himself!
Funky: The problem is, is that the way Barack Obama has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $10 trillion for the first 43 presidents - #44 added $9 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $19 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $60,000 for every man, woman and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic.
Courtesy of the Clinton News Network (CNN)
Obama: The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents - #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic.
The Master Snake Oil Salesman exact words from July 3, 2008 in Fargo North Dakota.
JimmyMackIII commented on Sunday, Mar 13, 2016 at 09:02 AM
Ok Funk: But WHY in God's name do the vast majority of Blacks vote Democrat given what you've said? Is it because the majority of them are NOT BLACK ENOUGH like Obama? Or they have not slept 13 to a bed growing up? Have they all MISSED OUT on the Black 'experience' in their lives? Did Blacks compromise their voting integrity by giving Democrat Brother Bill and later Al Gore the majority of their vote? Are they going to emerge from whatever you call this Democrat Svengali type malady that besets them in 2016, come to their senses, and be the swing vote for TRUMP? Why did they give Obama a SECOND term considering all you have noted here about the man? Can they as a voting plurality in America, forget that Obama is not Black enough, and join the Trump camp?
Please remember that I am a misinformed White Liberal Democrat that just doesn't understand this Black phenomenon. If you can and wish to help me understand this thing, please do so as if talking to a small child or say a Golden Retriever. Maybe then I will find enlightenment!
JimmyMackIII commented on Sunday, Mar 13, 2016 at 09:33 AM
Regarding those "500,000 signatures on a petition urging Dr. Ben to run after the Prayer Breakfast at which he spoke,"
That amounted to nothing more than a Jr. High type Valentine saying WE LOVE BEN. It had no political significance what so ever. Those that saw it any other way, such as a massive endorsement for Ben to run for POTUS, were tremendously naïve at best or at worst just plain stupid Conservatives.
The Temperature in an OR is set at 66 degrees Farenheit (sic). The Temperature in the Political OR ranges from 99 degrees F. to 129 degrees F.
Some just cannot take the heat and seek the an exit opportunity.
MikeLongCounty commented on Sunday, Mar 13, 2016 at 15:30 PM
JimmyMackIII you know the answer to your own question, and so do I. Blacks vote for Democrats overwhelmingly for the same reason labor unions do, the AARP does, homosexuals do, "tree-huggers" do, feminist do, and for the same reason the vast majority of the Democratic voters do. Self-interest. Though the Democratic party use to be the party of non-rich or it has become the party of the special interest. All of these groups have selfish goals, that they seek. Most for monetary reasons, whether that monetary reason be affected through more welfare programs or higher forced and mandated wages. The other groups simply have an agenda or personal self-interest...whatever their particular self-interest might be. Most seek something "extra" whether that be money, jobs, contracts, etc. just for their race, sex, or sexual identity. I will at least give the "tree-huggers" and animal rights activist some credit and special interest groups such as them some credit. Their goals are for some greater good, in their eyes, and not for personal gain, like the majority of the Democratic supporters is. You may not like what I'm saying, but you and everyone reading this, knows that it is the truth. I will admit that the GOP also has their special interest groups and they support the GOP because they support their ideas. But the difference between the two groups is the Democratic supporters in most cases have self-serving goals, and the GOP supporters in most cases support the Republicans because of a value or belief...that usually coincides with the Constitution's goal of being able to have freedom and liberty. That is why those values often times revolve around ideals like having the right to own a gun, protecting babies, protecting marriage, protecting Christianity, and protecting our country. One can argue that there are some self-motivated financial interest also, in wanting less taxation, but it has never been fair that some pay a higher percentage of their money to the government simply because they earn more or even simply just have more. But you already knew the answer to your question, before you posted it. And you also know that those blacks who do not vote for the Democratic party, but for the GOP are doing so for the same reasons as other GOP voters...values. What is sad is that they are chastised and called names for their choice. But we all know that the majority of Democrats don't support being Pro-Choice unless it has something to do with an unborn child dying.
JimmyMackIII commented on Sunday, Mar 13, 2016 at 16:49 PM
With all due respect Mike, that is just Conservative hog wash. Plus you are a Conservative White boy and therefore not eligible to provide a reasonable answer to the primary question: Why is the Black vote overwhelmingly given to the Democrats? Your rationale is tainted by your melanin.
I can only speak for myself as a Democrat but NONE of those negative traits apply to me. Those comments are TRUMPTER propaganda speak.
A person of color needs to answer this one Mike. White folks need to answer why Evangelicals endorse a bully man who frequently uses the F-word, refers to male and female genitalia, talks about 'punching people in the face' (WWJD HERE?) and advocates exclusionary immigrant policies? Does not the Gospel refer to widening the circle rather than restricting it?
Conservative Republicans pulled a Pearl Harbor attack with the advent of Newt Gingrich and his workshops with Republicans to begin demonizing LIBERALS. He did a pretty good number on us. And many Duck Dynasty type whites bought it, hook line and sinker.
Again: Why do Blacks vote overwhelmingly for Democrats??? Is it INSIGHT or a MENTAL DEFECT that afflicts them when it comes to what happens in the voting booth when it comes to touching the Democrat Candidate's selection box?
MikeLongCounty commented on Sunday, Mar 13, 2016 at 17:43 PM
Well buddy I disagree with you on that, I have the right and can answer that question as well as any other person could, and having read Funk enough in here, I will go out on a limb, and say he probably will confirm most of what I said. If I'm wrong, I apologize to him. The vast majority of conservatives don't look at race, sex, or feelings...they look at facts, faith, and the Constitution.
Most born-again Christians are not supporting Trump, they are supporting Cruz. Though even supporting him, probably is hard for them, as it is for me too. But endorsements by Christian leaders support this. Many people who attend church, who may or may not be a Christian, are supporting Trump, and the media is including all of these groups of people together when they say "evangelicals." But I've already stated once or twice in here why people are supporting Trump. For the same reason many supported Obama 7 1/2 years ago...they want change. He publicly and boldly says what many believe talk about in the safety of their groups. He's a billionaire so he has this luxury. He give them hope for a better America. He is a successful businessman and not a politician, so they look at him as an outsider, who will do what he thinks is right, and not just go along with a political party...even the GOP. Like I have said, he's not a guy I trust on a lot of issues, but I trust Clinton and Sanders less...for me he is the lesser of the evils. But I will admit I like his boldness, and the reality is I do agree with him on many issues. So if he does win the White House, I will do like I do with every new him and hope he does right. Unfortunately since George W, that hope has faded usually pretty quickly.
wayne44 commented on Monday, Mar 14, 2016 at 02:09 AM
It won't make one bit of difference which party the next President comes from. Once they get in office all the great promises they make will go right out the window as soon as the reality of Special Interest groups hits them in the face. All this election BS boils down to one thing and one thing only: Power and Prestige! We common folk are just needed to pay the taxes to fund all the wasteful spending on programs that never do what they were designed to do. Bureaucrats are at their finest when screwing over us in some shape or form. What a sad state of affairs when we voters have to decide between a Pompous ass, two First term Senators, a Governor, a Socialist, or a known liar who played fast and loose with government documents on an unauthorized server. Kind of reminds me of the Three Stooges but in this case we have Six Stooges. What a travesty being played on the American people!
HMJC commented on Monday, Mar 14, 2016 at 10:24 AM
One other tidbit to consider is this race has already been a sideshow for both sides. The really sad part is we are in for a year of a really bad reality show where the ones who gets a populace to believe the hollow promises wins. I am also dumbfounded how hillary is still even in the race due to the legal issues she most likely will bear at least some of the culpability. Last time I checked two Generals basically lost their careers for related offenses on a much smaller scale.
The lack of democratic contenders clearly illustrates that the Dem machine has already made their choice based on statistics, not performance.
We already look like a shriners convention to the world; this race just makes it worse. Probably one of the worst pool of candidates in centuries with none of them having an inkling of a chance of earning any semblance of respect on a world stage.
It looks like Mickey and Minnie are getting my vote this year, sheesh
JimmyMackIII commented on Monday, Mar 14, 2016 at 13:27 PM
Looks like I am just not going to get an answer to my primary question: WHY DO BLACKS CONSISTENTLY VOTE DEMOCRATIC INSTEAD OF REPUBLICAN??
And to Wayne and HMJC: I am NOT overjoyed with the choices being offered up to the American People either. But, again, WE ARE A TWO PARTY SYSTEM. We can pick ONE. ONLY ONE. And I just refuse to buy in to the CONSERVATIVE MANTRA NO MATTER WHO THEY NOMINATE and the last time I checked JESUS was not running on either ticket tho CONSERVATIVES say he is in spirit running on theirs.
That, my friends, is the DEVIL talking.
JimmyMackIII commented on Monday, Mar 14, 2016 at 13:29 PM
Y'all have a nice day. I got some errands to run and maybe find some more Conservatives to pi$$ off.
Funkentelecky commented on Monday, Mar 14, 2016 at 20:19 PM
all regarding your question, Mike's overall analysis based on facts, faith and the constitution I agree upon wholeheartedly. However there is even more to consider when you take on individual issues, individually. I'm not the be all know all regarding black folk but I can definitely define why my POV is different than those 80-85 and 90-95% black folk that I disagree with. For example a fellow black female that supports Obama said to me. When she realized Obamacare isn't what it supposed to be "Obama didn't know what was in the bill and didn't know it would cause me to pay more for my healthcare for someone else" I said to her Obama said there's no red states or blue states but the United States. So when the bill was being litigated in congress in 2009 when the Democrats held a Super Majority in the House with 255 0f 435 votes and 60 of 100 votes in the Senate Obama, Pelosi and Reid refused to negotiate with the Republicans on the bill and I covered this back in 2009 and you Murrelet and every other liberal on this blog totally disregarded my message which was true. So I said to her he didn't have sign the bill if he knew it wasn't what he wanted and he could have also told Pelosi and Reid that he won't sign a healthcare bill without Republican votes (Bipartisan Bill). Instead Obama said the Republicans can join the Democrats but they have to get in the "back". When you have a viable society of America that has abandoned their traditional values of family and have accepted that the government will take care of your from cradle to grave for the sins of "America's" past which is literally saying there, there you little thing I will take care of you when also this viable society don't understand what makes America great is to embrace the founders vision of "We The People" this is the results we get. There are even more distinguished and isolated examples to talk and debate about but it's impossible for me to cover them all. PN has stated over and over again that minorities like me vote against their self interest, however that blanket statement disregards America's self interest to survive and prosper like JFK's statement " Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" This statement and stance eviscerates the current stance of the current Democrat party of today which are basicly Progressive Socialist (Anti-American) of Judeo Christian values.
Funkentelecky commented on Monday, Mar 14, 2016 at 20:20 PM
Jimmy, first of all regarding your question, Mike's overall analysis based on facts, faith and the constitution I agree upon wholeheartedly. However there is even more to consider when you take on individual issues, individually. I'm not the be all know all regarding black folk but I can definitely define why my POV is different than those 80-85 and 90-95% black folk that I disagree with. For example a fellow black female that supports Obama said to me. When she realized Obamacare isn't what it supposed to be "Obama didn't know what was in the bill and didn't know it would cause me to pay more for my healthcare for someone else" I said to her Obama said there's no red states or blue states but the United States. So when the bill was being litigated in congress in 2009 when the Democrats held a Super Majority in the House with 255 0f 435 votes and 60 of 100 votes in the Senate Obama, Pelosi and Reid refused to negotiate with the Republicans on the bill and I covered this back in 2009 and you Murrelet and every other liberal on this blog totally disregarded my message which was true. So I said to her he didn't have sign the bill if he knew it wasn't what he wanted and he could have also told Pelosi and Reid that he won't sign a healthcare bill without Republican votes (Bipartisan Bill). Instead Obama said the Republicans can join the Democrats but they have to get in the "back". When you have a viable society of America that has abandoned their traditional values of family and have accepted that the government will take care of your from cradle to grave for the sins of "America's" past which is literally saying there, there you little thing I will take care of you when also this viable society don't understand what makes America great is to embrace the founders vision of "We The People" this is the results we get. There are even more distinguished and isolated examples to talk and debate about but it's impossible for me to cover them all. PN has stated over and over again that minorities like me vote against their self interest, however that blanket statement disregards America's self interest to survive and prosper like JFK's statement " Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" This statement and stance eviscerates the current stance of the current Democrat party of today which are basicly Progressive Socialist (Anti-American) of Judeo Christian values
Funkentelecky commented on Monday, Mar 14, 2016 at 20:21 PM
Please excuse the double post. I didn't copy and paste it all on the first post.
JimmyMackIII commented on Wednesday, Mar 16, 2016 at 10:18 AM
Your excused Funk. :) But, your reply, once again I say yada, yada, yada. You cleverly avoid my direct question with your memorized Rubio like answer as to WHY DO BLACKS VOTE OVERWHELMINGLY DEMOCRATIC by repeatedly bashing BHO, Pelosi, Reid, Liberal Democrats etc. over and over.
I UNDERSTAND YOUR Constitutional Pragmatism and adherence to it. Why is it though, in your humble OPINION, that just you and a very few other BLACKS, are politically divorced from your BLACK brothers and sisters who overwhelmingly vote DEMOCRAT???
Are they massively misinformed, misled, overcome by self hate, 'plantation Negro's'.... or, once again, do they possess that gift of blessed political insight that DEMOCRATS better afford them their path and CONSTITUTIONAL rights to LIFE, LIBETY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS???
MikeLongCounty commented on Wednesday, Mar 16, 2016 at 19:08 PM
JimmyMackIII how can you continually say that no one has answered your question.
Funkentelecky clearly states it here; self-interest----"PN has stated over and over again that minorities like me vote against their self interest, however that blanket statement disregards America's self interest to survive and prosper like JFK's statement " Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" This statement and stance eviscerates the current stance of the current Democrat party of today which are basically Progressive Socialist (Anti-American) of Judeo Christian values."
I basically gave the exact same answer--"Blacks vote for Democrats overwhelmingly for the same reason labor unions do, the AARP does, homosexuals do, "tree-huggers" do, feminist do, and for the same reason the vast majority of the Democratic voters do. Self-interest."
How is anyone avoiding answering the question. And you are basically getting the same answer from two different people who are from different backgrounds, different races, but who see things for what they are. You may not like or agree with the answer, but it is what it is,
JimmyMackIII commented on Thursday, Mar 17, 2016 at 17:09 PM
So, we Dems, including Black majorities, represent subversive Socialism, the party of Satan, and against America's better interests while Conservative Republicans are altruistic patriots wrapped in the Shroud of Jesus reflecting Christian Values and what is BEST for America?!
That's your answer?!!!!
We've about beat this one to death, Mike. And I still am left with only empty mostly Conservative Partisan rhetoric and I ain't buying a word of it. Never will.
I'm gonna be moving on her Mike. Any future posts will be acknowledged and may or may not be responded to. I get rapidly tired listening to a broken record.
timeontarget commented on Saturday, Mar 19, 2016 at 12:27 PM
This blog is yet another good example of Jimmy Darsey's steadfast efforts to race bait and promote dissension between the black community and the white community.
Not a single person alive today bears any responsibility for slavery in this country.
Staunch Democrats keep the black people on the government plantation wit excessive freebies and welfare.
Public assistance when indulged in for too long of a period robs a person of their pride and self respect.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

This is a Nightmare

This is a Nightmare ......................

In the nightmare I found myself nude in bed, and I was looking at a mirror
on the ceiling,  and I discovered that I am a Negro, and I'm circumcised!  Quickly I sat up, found my pants and looked in the pockets to find my driver's license photo and it was that same color. Black.

I felt myself being very depressed, downcast, sitting in a chair.  But it's a wheelchair!!

That means, of course, besides being black and Jewish, I'm also disabled!!!

I said to myself, aloud "This is impossible. It's impossible that I should
be black and Jewish and disabled."

"It's the pure and holy truth", whispers someone from behind me.

I turn around, and it's my boyfriend.

Just what I needed!!! I am a homosexual, and on top of that with a Mexican
boyfriend. Oh, my God..... black, Jewish, disabled, gay, with a Mexican boyfriend, drug addict, and HIV-positive!!!

Desperate, I begin to shout, cry, pull my hair, and Oh, noooooo...I'm bald!!!

The telephone rings.  It's my brother.

He is saying, "Since mom and dad died the only thing you do is hang out,
take drugs, and laze around all day doing nothing. Get a job you worthless
piece of crap... Any job."

Mom?... Dad?... Nooooooooo... Now I'm also an unemployed orphan!

I try to explain to my brother how hard it is to find a job when you are
black, Jewish, disabled, gay with a Mexican boyfriend, are a drug addict,
HIV positive, bald, and an orphan. But he doesn't get it.

Frustrated, I hang up.  That's then I realize I only have one hand!!!

With tears in my eyes I go to the window to look out.

I see I live in a shanty-town full of cardboard and tin houses! There is
trash everywhere.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain near my pacemaker.... Pacemaker?

Besides being black, Jewish, disabled, a fairy with a Mexican boyfriend, a
drug addict, HIV positive, bald, orphaned, unemployed, an invalid with one
hand, and having a bad heart, I live in a crappy neighborhood.

At that very moment my boyfriend approaches and says to me, "Sweetie pie,
my love, my little black heartthrob, have you decided who you are going to
vote for in the Primary? Will it be Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders ???"

Say it isn't so!!! I can handle being a black, disabled, one armed, drug
addicted, Jewish queer on a pacemaker who is HIV positive, bald, orphaned,
unemployed, living in a slum, and with a Mexican boyfriend, but please, oh
dear God, please don't tell me....

I'm a Democrat